How Much and How Often to Water Cucumbers
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
The question of how much water cucumber plants need is contingent on several elements. For instance, is the cucumber plant grown in a container or directly on the ground? Is it always exposed to sunshine throughout the day, or does it receive sunlight for just a portion of the day?
When growing cucumbers in open ground, the most crucial step is figuring out how much and how frequently to water the plants. You may mitigate the prevalence of pests and diseases by using an appropriate watering system.
Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how often and how much water cucumbers need, as well as other considerations for watering this plant.
What Is the Water Requirement of a Cucumber Plant?
You must keep the soil around the cucumber moist by providing 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Two inches is the optimal quantity when the weather is hot and dry.
Cucumbers grown in open ground require 4.5 to 5 liters of water per 1 square meter before the beginning of the growing season and 11 liters per 1 square meter when ripe.
Cucumbers grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse require less water consumption, approximately 3.5 to 4 liters per 1 square meter before flowering and 7.5 to 9 liters during fruit growth.
Watering a Well-Established Cucumber Plant
Cucumber plants need a minimum of one inch of water per week, as stated by the South Dakota State University Extension. However, the quantity of water required may be more than that depending on the circumstances in which they are grown.
Plants rooted in sandy soil, which does not have the same capacity to retain moisture as humus-based soil, will require more frequent watering, although the amount of water applied during each watering will be lower.
Cucumbers grown on a trellis may require more profound and more frequent watering. This is because they will not have the leaf cover along the ground to shade the soil and prevent moisture loss. If you can, water the plant in the morning so that any moisture that may end up on the leaves will evaporate during the hottest part of the day.
How to Water Cucumber Seedlings
Cucumber seedlings should be watered gently and regularly. When seedlings are overwatered, they are more prone to “drowning.” Too much water at once may cause the plant to uproot itself and wash away more quickly when it lacks a strong root system.
How Frequently Should You Water Cucumbers?
We consider cucumbers a cultivated plant that thrives in damp environments. Ensure the soil does not get parched. This negative aspect results in the leaves and ovaries drying up, becoming yellow, and eventually falling off the plant.
The simplest method to determine the frequency of watering your cucumbers is to check the top half an inch of soil to see if it is moist. If it is dry, water it. There is no need to water the cucumber plant if the top half of an inch is still wet after a soil test.
There are various indicators that the cucumber plant is getting too little or too much water. The signs include:
- Leaves with a curl- You probably need to give them additional water if they are dry and brittle. If they are yellow and limp, this is a sign that they may have been submerged in water.
- Browning branches and leaves- The cause may be root rot brought on by over-watering, but dryness might also be a cause to consider.
Factors to Consider When Watering Cucumbers
When figuring out how frequently you should water your cucumber plant, there are many aspects to consider. Conditions such as the weather, the amount of sunshine available, the time of year, and the distance between plants all have a role.
- Season – It’s possible that you will not need to water your cucumber plants as often at certain times of the year. For instance, after autumn, you will only need to water the plant once per week after the plant has had more time to get established and the temperature chills down. When cucumbers begin to blossom, it’s a good idea to double your watering frequency. In spring, 2–3 weekly watering is sufficient. When summer begins and the first cucumber blossoms appear, increase watering to 4–6 times per week. This will offer the appropriate water content for tasty cucumbers.
- Sunlight – If your cucumber gets too little or too much sun exposure, it will probably still survive but may not grow as abundantly. Most cucumber plants thrive well when exposed to full sunshine, but you need to ensure they get enough water during the warm summer.
- Cucumber plants cultivated in full sun will experience rapid drying out, mainly if exposed to direct sunlight during midday. Make sure the cucumber plant has enough water to generate vigorous new shoots that will later develop into fresh cucumbers.
- Spacing – Cucumber plants will compete with one another for the same amount of water if planted too closely together; as a result, you will need to water them more often as opposed to cucumber plants that are far apart.
- Weather – Because the weather during spring is often wetter in certain regions, you may find that your cucumber plant does not need as much watering. When there is a lot of rain throughout the season, you need to be cautious not to over-water your cucumber plant.
Can You Water Cucumbers During the Day?
The daily weather can dictate when and how to water your cucumbers. If it’s going to be a hot sunny day, wait until the evening to water. The stem, the leaves, and the ovaries all have burns from the sun’s rays penetrating the moisture droplets. The plant’s survival is, therefore, perhaps jeopardized. It would be best to water the cucumber plant in the evening, after the sun has set but before nightfall when the temperature is at its coolest.
Cucumbers require less watering on cloudy, cooler days. Daytime irrigation is preferable to nighttime irrigation in cold weather. Cucumber leaves benefit from being watered in the morning, while you should spray plants with a weak jet pressure in the afternoon.
Since there is still time, any surplus moisture can be dissipated. Roots that are not well-established may rot because of poor water absorption in wet conditions. Cucumbers are prone to fungal infections on their leaves.
Spread mulch over the soil as part of regular upkeep. Grass meadows, grass mulch, sawdust, peat, straw, and plastic wrap all work. Besides preventing soil from drying on warm days, mulch shields plants from pests and diseases.
Watering Cucumber Plants in a Pot
Cucumbers grown in a container will need more regular watering because they do not have access to the natural water found in the soil as a source of hydration. The answer to properly caring for plants grown in a container will change depending on the size of the container.
Furthermore, if you are growing cucumbers in a pot, the pot must have adequate drainage. Cucumber roots decay if water does not pass through the soil, thus well-drained soil is a vital requirement.
Watering Cucumbers Growing in a Garden Outside
Cucumbers growing in the garden outside may not need very frequent watering like those growing in a pot do. This is so because while in the garden, the plant can stretch out its roots and access the natural water underground.
Additionally, when in the garden, the plants will receive rain, further reducing the frequency of having to water the plants.
Ideally, for cucumbers growing in the garden, you will only need to water them when the soil is dry and when there is no rainfall at all. You can use a soaker hose or drip irrigation method.
Once the soil is adequately saturated, turn the hose’s pressure down to a low level and let it run freely. Stop watering once water starts to collect on the soil’s surface. It would be best if you water your cucumber at ground level to keep the cucumber leaves dry.
Wet foliage can induce leaf discoloration and diseases hence it is critical to keep the leaves dry for the long-term health of your cucumbers.
Maintaining a consistent watering schedule for your cucumber plant throughout is essential if you want it to continue being in good condition.
The watering schedule varies by season, weather, the spacing of the plants and even by the amount of sunlight the pants are receiving. Take care not to saturate the plant with an excessive amount of water. If a plant receives excessive moisture, it may become more vulnerable to diseases.
If you place the plant in a container, check to see that the bottom of the container has holes so that any extra water may drain out. If this does not occur, water may pool at the base of the container, which may cause root rot or other diseases.
See also:
- How Much and How Often to Water Palm Plant
- How Much & How Often to Water Petunias?
- How Much and How Often to Water a Bromeliad Plant?
- How Much and How Often to Water Rubber Plants
Featured Image Credit: planet_fox, Pixabay