12 Best Home Improvement YouTube Channels – Watch Your Way to a Better Home (With Pictures)
- Pete Ortiz
- Last updated:
In this day and age, the easiest way to learn how to do something is to watch a video on YouTube. You can find informational and how-to videos on practically anything, including home improvement. The shows provide inspiration and practical tips on sprucing up your home. YouTube is the way to go if you’re looking for step-by-step directions for home improvement projects.
Below, you’ll find 12 of the most popular home improvement channels on YouTube. Many have several videos on different projects, so you should be able to find whatever you’re looking for to modify or remodel your home.
The 12 Best YouTube Home Improvement Channels
1. The Old House
This is one of the oldest home improvement brands. They used to have a TV show but switched to YouTube in June 2006. They post about one video daily, and you can learn about several construction techniques on their channel.
They go over valuable information like drywalling your walls, fixing your plumbing, and aesthetic options like furniture placement. You’ll also find information about choosing the best home improvement products and similar topics.
2. Lowe’s Home Improvement
We all know that Lowe’s is a go-to store for home improvement products. However, they also have a YouTube channel where they discuss various home improvement topics. They post roughly two videos a day, so their channel is full of videos.
You can find information on how-to videos and DIY projects. They discuss complicated tricks and simple tips, which are suitable for practically all skill levels. There is also information on landscaping and lawn care since Lowe’s sells many landscaping products.
3. HouseImprovements
As the name suggests, the HouseImprovements channel uploads videos involving various home improvement topics. For the most part, they produce DIY videos, which are designed to help people at all skill levels. It is a somewhat new channel compared to those we’ve discussed, and they’ve only been around for about 10 years.
They also have fewer videos and upload only one new video every other week. However, their videos are very well done, which is why we’ve ranked them so high on this list. If you need to learn how to do something around the house, their videos can help.
4. The Home Depot
Home Depot makes very high-quality videos with professional editing and scripts. They discuss several DIY topics, including step-by-step videos and inspirational videos. Many of their videos include advice on how to save money on your projects.
Home Depot posts three videos a week and covers several topics, and its channel is one of the best home improvement channels on YouTube.
5. Matt Risinger
While this channel is only run by one person, it is one of the better channels. It focuses on educating the average person on “Building Science.” The channel focuses on practical DIY topics, and many videos provide step-by-step instructions. Some videos are inspirational, primarily when they focus on the host’s crew and their work.
Matt Risinger’s channel posts about two videos a week. He discusses complicated techniques like framing and simple home repairs. This channel is perfect for you if you’re a professional or a DIYer.
6. Paint Life TV
The Idaho Painters focus on painting, as you might expect. They cover tips and hacks for everything involving painting, including drywalling, sheetrock repairs, removing wallpaper, and basic carpentry tutorials. They’ll teach you how to paint like a professional and help you save money.
They also cover airless paint spraying and removing wallpaper with a steamer. They have everything you need to make your walls more attractive and durable.
7. Home RenoVision DIY
Home RenoVision DIY has quite a bit of information on its channel. They are dedicated to helping viewers learn the tricks and tips professionals often use. They show you how to renovate practically anything and discuss all the trade skills you need to know to make repairs around your home.
They produce one video weekly and have only been around since 2016.
8. Fix IT Home Improvement Channel
This channel goes over many topics. The host offers straightforward DIY information, including replacing lawn mower filters and choosing the best heavy-duty degreasers for your projects. He even discusses mouse traps and how to use them efficiently. He goes over fundamental DIY projects and is the perfect person to watch for beginners. He is straightforward and doesn’t add fluff to his videos.
He posts two to three videos a week, depending on their length. Most of his videos are short and fun to watch. While Fix IT is a DIY channel, the host also discusses essential house maintenance topics.
9. Efficiency Matrix
The Efficiency Matrix is all about reducing your carbon footprint through DIY. They cover complex topics, so we recommend them for advanced DIYers who want to reduce their home’s energy use. They discuss topics like air conditioning and remodeling homes to be more energy-efficient.
They are based in Australia, so some of their information may not be useful if you live elsewhere. Still, they cover several topics other channels don’t touch, so they belong on this list.
10. The Handyman
This channel follows a handyman who does home repairs and shows you how to do them yourself. He deals with several mess-ups, where homeowners have tried to remodel something but made mistakes. In this way, he also shows you how not to do things.
The frequency of videos varies quite a bit. It just seems to depend on the jobs the channel owner is currently doing.
11. DIY Network
This is a professionally-run channel that posts videos about once a week. They post everything from creative projects to step-by-step guides. The DIY Network is one of the fastest-growing digital networks, but they do not post much on their YouTube channel.
Today, much of their channel is interviews with their TV stars and the occasional full episode. If you like the DIY network on TV, you may like their YouTube channel as well. However, this channel is a bit lacking in practical information. It is more inspirational than informative and is only an add-on to their TV network. This is one reason we rated it lower than many of the other professional shows on this list.
12. Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford
This channel goes over topics that the average homeowner might need to know. They discuss how to hang a shower curtain from the ceiling and remove rust on handrails. They may occasionally discuss more complicated topics, like how to prevent a wooden floor from creaking. However, all the topics are what homeowners would typically be interested in.
The host also goes into some of the design elements of projects, such as hiding a bathroom trashcan. Everything is relatively straightforward and broken down step by step.
There are many home improvement YouTube channels currently producing content. With YouTube, you can find step-by-step instructions and inspiration for almost everything. However, some channels are better than others. Stick to high-quality channels to ensure you’re getting the right information. With 12 channels on our list, you should be able to find just about everything you’re looking for.
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