How Many Cars Can You Sell in a Year in North Carolina?
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
If you have a couple of vehicles you need to sell and live within North Carolina lines, there are only a certain number of vehicles you can sell legally without applying for a state dealer’s license. If you exceed this number without a license, you are committing a crime.
Because of the consequences of selling too many cars in a single year in North Carolina, it’s crucial to understand exactly how many vehicles you can sell and why.
Keep reading to ensure that you understand the laws and stipulations related to selling vehicles in North Carolina. This article fully explains how many vehicles you can sell in a single year in the state and what you should do if you need to apply for a dealer’s license.
How Many Cars Can I Sell in a Year in North Carolina?
Within North Carolina, you are only allowed to sell five vehicles a year without a license. However, the vehicles must be registered in your name. Selling even one vehicle not registered in your name is considered a felony.
This means that you have the right to sell up to five vehicles currently registered in your name within 12 months in North Carolina. Every 12 months, the number starts over, and you can sell another five vehicles registered in your name.
Why Does It Matter How Many Cars I Sell in a Year in North Carolina?
It is important that you only sell five vehicles or less in your name within the state of North Carolina without a dealer’s license. If you sell more vehicles, you will be committing a crime against the state and be held liable as a result.
If you are caught, you will get a hefty fine for your illegal activity and even possible jail time, depending on the judge and severity of the situation. No one wants to pay heavy fines or go to jail. So, make sure to follow all the laws and stipulations about selling vehicles in North Carolina to avoid these consequences.
How Do I Get a North Carolina Dealer License?
If you intend to sell more than five vehicles in North Carolina, you will need to apply for a dealership license. You can find all the information you need here on the North Carolina Business Partner Resources page. This page has numerous PDF files relating to dealer licenses, including the new dealer packets, title manuals, and more.
Applying for a North Carolina dealer’s license is straightforward. You will first fill out the North Carolina license application. We recommend contacting the North Carolina License and Theft Bureau to make sure you qualify and answer any questions.
After the application process, you will need to get the potential lot inspected by the North Carolina License and Theft Bureau. There are different requirements based on whether your lot is classified as a retail or wholesale location. Finally, you’ll need to purchase a North Carolina dealer bond.
Can I Get Denied a License?
Unfortunately, it is possible to get denied a North Carolina vehicle dealer’s license. You will only be denied based on certain convictions relating to vehicles and vehicle sales. You can learn all about the specifics of license denial on the NC Dealership page.
Final Thoughts
To recap, you can only sell a maximum of five vehicles registered in your name within the state of North Carolina without a license. If you intend to sell more than five vehicles, you are required by law to register for a North Carolina vehicle dealer’s license. If you fail to do this, you can be charged a hefty fine and even be thrown in jail.
If you have any other questions about the legality of a North Carolina vehicle dealer’s license, we recommend contacting the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This department will be able to answer any questions you may have.
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