What Are the Best Black Mulches for Landscaping? 6 Great Options
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
Black mulch can quickly spruce up your landscaping. Not only does it look nice, but it can also prevent weeds. Therefore, if you want to keep your yard looking nice, you need mulch of some sort.
However, not all black mulches out there are made the same. Some may be harmful to certain plants, while others may quickly degrade. Therefore, we highly recommend doing plenty of research before deciding on mulch for your landscaping.
Here are some of our favorite options.
The 6 Great Options for Landscaping Mulches
1. Rubber Mulch Landscaping Bark
- Our Choice: NuPlay Rubber Mulch Bark
We highly recommend utilizing this bark in your landscaping. Because it is made from rubber, this bark sticks around for quite a while. Plus, it is guaranteed to keep its color for up to 12 years. Therefore, it requires much less maintenance than other options. You can simply lay it down and then leave it. These pieces do have a bit of weight to them. While this does mean that they are pretty heavy, it also means that they won’t blow away.
We love that this mulch is certified to be free from wires. It isn’t flammable, and it can easily deal with freezing temperatures. It is also recycled, so you can feel better about using it.
Because it is so well made, though, it can be expensive. You won’t have to repurchase more mulch later, however. Therefore, you’ll likely save some money in the long run.
2. Rubber Mulch Nuggets
- Our Chocie: Playsafer Rubber Mulch Nuggets
Playsafer Rubber Mulch Nuggets is designed primarily for play areas. However, it can be utilized in landscaping. This mulch is IPEMA-certified, making it safe for children, pets, and the environment.
This mulch is designed to withstand compression and decomposition. Therefore, it should stick around for quite a while. It is also made from recycled materials and is metal-free. For this reason, it is considered pretty eco-friendly.
You can also utilize these mulch pieces for up to 12 years, according to the company’s guarantee. They don’t fade for a very long time, so you don’t need to worry about needing to replace them anytime soon.
3. International Mulch
- Our Choice: (Signature Series) International Mulch RM16BK LRM8BK
This mulch is expensive but it is high-quality and might work in some circumstances. Unlike other mulch options on this list, it is shredded. Therefore, it has a bit of a different appearance than other options. If you like the appearance more than others, you may be willing to pay more for this mulch.
You can utilize this mulch for both landscaping and playground applications. It is ADA-approved for playgrounds, which means it is safe for children and farmers.
It is extremely expensive compared to other options so we only recommend it if you really like the appearance for one reason or another. You can get far more mulch for cheaper from other suppliers.
4. Garden Weed Barrier
- Our Choice: EXTRAEASY Garden Weed Barrier Fabric
Technically, the ExtraEasy Garden Weed Barrier isn’t mulch. However, it is black and an easy option for landscaping. Therefore, we recommend it for those that aren’t necessarily sold on the mulch idea and would rather have an easier option.
It is made of thick polypropylene woven fabric. Therefore, it is heavy-duty and durable. You lay it down, cut holes where your want your plants to go, and leave it there. You can also leave the barrier down and put mulch over the top, allowing you to prevent weeds and improve the appearance of the weed barrier.
The barrier is somewhat permeable so it allows nutrients, water, and air to enter the soil. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about changing or only using it for a short period. This fabric is also chemical-free and won’t damage your yard’s ecosystem.
5. Bold Black Wood Chip Mulch
- Our Choice: MIGHTY109 Bold Black Wood Chip Mulch
Some people like the look and feel of black mulch. If this is you, we recommend purchasing MIGHTY109 Bold Black Wood Chip Mulch. This mulch is made completely of wood and then painted. However, the coloring is completely safe and non-toxic. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about it injuring your plants, pets, or children. The color sticks around for a while, though the mulch will decay.
It is made out of wood, after all.
This mulch is cheaper than most options out there. However, it isn’t necessarily the cheapest. Still, you will have to change it often as it will decay over time. Of course, this decaying will add extra nutrients to the soil, which is always a good thing.
6. Black Rubber Mulch for Landscaping
- Our Choice: 7Penn Black Rubber Mulch
The 7Penn Black Rubber Mulch for Landscaping is both mulch and a sheet. Therefore, it looks almost exactly like mulch, but it can be rolled out like a sheet so is easier to lay down than other mulch products and helps deter weeds more. It’s a practical option for those who want a yard with less maintenance.
The package has stacks to help the pad stay down, even in tougher weather. The mulch is made with rubber, allowing air and water to penetrate the soil. Therefore, it is a great option for those that are concerned about the health of their plants, as well.
This mulch is a bit more expensive. However, it is much easier to put down than other mulch, and you won’t need to replace it often.
Final Thoughts
Black mulch looks nice and provides many practical benefits. It prevents weeds, adds nutrients to the soil, and provides aesthetic benefits. Therefore, it’s a great option for many landscaping projects.
You can find many kinds of mulch, ranging from plastic to wood. Some come in sheets, while others are loose. You can find mulch that is made to last over a decade, as well as some that only last a year or so. Therefore, you have plenty of options.
We’ve included many different options above. Hopefully, one of them works well for your needs.
Featured Image Credit: Black Mulches, Shutterstock