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4 Different Types of Car Wax (with Pictures)
Kristin Hitchcock
Last updated:
You may be surprised to learn that there are actually many different types of car wax out there. While waxing your car is absolutely necessary for its wellbeing, you can’t simply choose just any wax. For those new to the waxing world, figuring out the right product to use can be difficult. The wide selection can become quickly overwhelming.
It is difficult to make an informed decision unless you know all your choices, which is exactly why we wrote this article! Let’s look at all the different kinds of car waxes available so you can choose the best option for your situation.
For most cars, you’ll want to use paste wax. This sort of wax is very easy to use, which makes it a great option for those that are new to waxing. It also happens to be one of the oldest forms of car wax, so it’s often utilized by older car enthusiasts. Furthermore, many professionals were trained to use this sort of wax, so that’s what they continue to use today.
It does work quite well and creates the shine that most car owners are looking for.
However, this wax takes a bit more knowledge to properly apply and isn’t as straightforward as other options. Furthermore, it doesn’t last as long, either. You’ll need to reapply after a few weeks.
Widely available
Works well when used properly
Used by professionals
Somewhat tricky to apply
Fades after a few weeks
2. Liquid Wax
Image By: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV, Shutterstock
As the name suggests, liquid wax is exactly that – a liquid. It has a smooth texture and is much easier to apply, especially for those that are new to applying wax to their vehicles. Most of the time, you’ll find everyday drivers using this sort of wax.
It dries very quickly, which can make application a bit difficult. However, it has a smoother learning curve than paste wax.
This sort of wax does last longer than others, which is another reason everyday drivers use it. If you don’t want to continuously reapply wax every few weeks, then a liquid wax is often your best answer.
However, different liquid wax brands are made differently. Some are a bit abrasive and can actually harm your car, and you should be careful about the liquid wax you choose to use.
Easier to apply
Smaller learning curve
Lasts for a long time
Some brands are abrasive
3. Spray wax
Image Credit: Hannes Edinger, Pixabay
Spray wax is a much faster option than the other car waxes we’ve listed so far. As you might guess, it sprays directly onto your car, which can greatly cut down on the amount of time you’d spend polishing otherwise.
While this process is very fast and easy, spray wax does not last very long. Therefore, it’s usually only utilized for spot-waxing or extending the lifespan of your paste wax. Or, it can be used when you need to give your car a quick wax but don’t have the time to use one of the other options.
Easy to use
Fast application
Wears off quickly
4. Wash and Wax
Image Credit: SasinTipchai, Shutterstock
Typically, you have to clean your car before you wax it. However, with wash and wax, you don’t necessarily have to. This mixture includes both a wash and a wax, so you only have to perform one set of steps.
With that said, these products don’t usually wash or wax very well. They will not provide the same level of cleanliness as other methods, and they don’t provide the same protection as other waxes, either.
And there you have it—the four basic types of wax you can use on your car. Generally, most people will use either paste or liquid wax regularly. The other two sorts of wax do not last very long, which typically means that they are only used for spot treatments or in between full waxes.
If you’re completely new to waxing cars, then you’ll probably want to get a liquid wax. This sort of wax lasts longer, is easier to use for beginners, and is thus the obvious choice in most situations. However, paste wax can be a great choice for those that know how to use it.
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay
Kristin Hitchcock
Kristin Hitchcock is passionate about an array of DIY topics - from blacksmithing to making children's toys. She understands the importance of choosing the right tool for the right job and enjoys informing others on the options currently available on the market. She is a stronger believer that you can do practically anything yourself with the right tools and knowledge.