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How Much & How Often to Water Marigolds? Signs, Facts, & FAQ

red marigold

Marigolds are extremely attractive flowers and make perfect additions to any garden or home. There are several varieties, so you can choose your favorite color, and they are relatively easy to grow. However, they look quite delicate, causing many to be concerned about how often to water them. Marigolds require a surprisingly small amount of water each week. Most experts recommend limiting it to 1.5 inches to 3 inches per week to avoid overwatering. If you have just started growing marigolds for the first time, keep reading as we review the best practices for watering and care to help you achieve the best results.

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How Much Water Do Marigolds Need?

Your plants will need more water throughout the hotter months when the ground dries out faster and less water when it’s cool.

Orange Marigold
Photo Credit By: MarekKampka, Pixabay

Watering Your Marigolds

Most expert gardeners recommend giving your marigold a good soaking once or twice per week, then allowing the soil to dry out completely before watering again. If the marigolds are outside, water them in the morning before the hot sun comes out, and try not to get too much water on the leaves or flowers. Watering at midday might cause the sun to burn the leaves, especially on a hot summer day, while watering later in the day may keep the plants wet all night, which can invite slugs, snails, and other pests.

What Happens If I Overwater My Marigolds?

Overwatering your marigolds can lead to root rot and may also enable mold and mildew to grow in the soil. These items will create an unpleasant environment for the marigolds, reducing their size and affecting their flower production. In some cases, the plant may begin to wilt or even die.

What Are the Signs That My Marigolds Need Water?

Despite looking somewhat fragile, the marigold is a hardy plant that can go many days without water. It also tends to bounce back quickly when rehydrating if water was for too long. Signs that it can be time to water your marigold include drooping leaves and wilted flowers that produce fewer buds. You may also notice that the edges of the flowers are starting to turn brown and curl. If you inspect the soil and it’s dry to a depth of 1 inch, it’s time to provide water.

marigold flower
Photo Credit By: AnitaBozic, Pixabay

What If I Grow My Marigolds in a Pot?

If you are growing your marigolds indoors in a pot, they will require much of the same care as outdoor marigolds. Put them in a spot that receives plenty of sunlight, and use a pot with plenty of holes filled with well-draining soil. For the best results, give the marigolds a deep soaking about once a week before allowing the soil to dry out.

garden flower divider


Your marigolds will require 1.5 to 3 inches of water per week, depending on temperature and variety. We recommend planting them in well-draining soil and giving them a good soaking once a week before allowing time for the soil to dry out. Water the marigolds again when the soil dries to about 1 inch. Letting the soil dry out will help the marigolds grow strong and healthy and produce more buds, and it also prevents mold growth, root rot, and pests. In hotter climates, the soil will dry out faster, requiring watering more frequently, so test the soil instead of relying on a strict schedule.

Featured Image Credit: Aliya_99, Pixabay


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