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How To Plant Clover in Your Lawn — 5 Simple Steps

clover leaves

There are many incredible benefits to planting clover in your yard, and we will go over some of the most significant reasons why this excellent plant can improve the appearance of your lawn. The clover plant looks impressive when planted as a beautiful carpet in your yard and can enhance the quality of your garden’s soil.

Since clover is a legume, it can amend poor soil by fixing nitrogen into the soil. This plant is drought resistant and can even thrive in areas with too much shade or poor soil drainage. This way, you will reduce the need for fertilization in your garden. It will be the first plant to thrive in your garden in spring, bringing wonderful cool green hues and even purple or white flowers. It also attracts many beneficial insects and pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.

If this description seems intriguing, you should read on to find out how exactly you can achieve a clover lawn. In a few easy steps, your clover lawn will be postcard perfect.

garden flower divider

Clover Growing Requirements

Before beginning to plant clover in your lawn, it is essential to know the exact conditions to provide this plant with to achieve the best possible results.

Soil Requirements

Clover will thrive and do its best when planted in clay, sandy or loamy soil. Keep in mind that clover doesn’t appreciate or perform well in acidic soil, so keep the pH levels of the soil between 5.2 to 5.5 for sandy soil and 6 to 6.5 for clay soil. Clover will establish its roots best if the soil is low in nitrogen, so avoid using any fertilizers around clover before it is fully established.

Watering Requirements

A clover lawn is considered low-maintenance and easy to establish, although when watering clover, you may want to water it as little as possible. Clover lawns need to be watered only once a season, unlike traditional grass lawns, making them very convenient for most gardeners.

Light Requirements

Clover is a highly tolerant plant; it can handle direct sunlight exposure and partial shade. Clover should receive between 2 and 6 hours of full sun exposure throughout the day. When choosing clover seeds, make sure to go for those more tolerant of shaded areas because most clover species need to bask in full sunlight for up to 8 hours a day.

The 5 Steps on How To Plant Clover in Your Lawn

1. Prepare Your Lawn

Lawn Rake
Image By: ringelbaer, Pixabay

Before planting clover in your lawn, it is essential to take care of any competitive weeds or plants that may affect the clover’s growth. Then, rake the area where you want to plant clover to allow for proper aeration of the soil. It is recommended to use lime on your soil to bring the pH levels to neutral. You may need to do tests on your soil’s pH levels, which will help you significantly once it is time to amend the soil with lime.

2. Decide When to Plant Clover

wheelbarrow in garden at autumn season
Image By: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH, Shutterstock

The best, most ideal time for planting clover is right after the last frost in spring has ended. At this time, the rain will help your soil establish this new crop, while no other competing grasses will take up the valuable nutrients. If you live in an area of the US where the climate is mild, you may also be able to plant it in the autumn. Make sure the temperatures at the time of sowing remain above 40°F.

3. Spread the Seeds

Man spreading grass seed on soil in garden
Image Credit: RosieRacket, Shutterstock

Begin by walking from one end of the lawn towards the other and tossing around seeds in equal lines. Once you’re done with one side, proceed to spread them across the opposite side as well, creating a crisscross pattern. Don’t bury the seeds; just apply them in lines across your yard.

4. Water

watering soil
Image Credit: Svett, Shutterstock

While clover doesn’t need to be watered, providing a bit of water to freshly planted seeds ensures healthy root development. In the first 2 months, ensure the soil is evenly moist until the clover is established.

5. Maintain Your Clover Lawn

Lawnmower cutting lawn with clover
Image Credit: Vilena Krushinskaya, Shutterstock

Your last step before enjoying a stunning clover lawn is to learn how to maintain it properly. While clover lawns need less maintenance than regular grass lawns, they still need to be mowed once a month for the perfect appearance. Keep yourself, your kids, or your pets off the yard initially until the clover grows a few inches. Once your clover survives its first winter, it will be an officially mature and established lawn.

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Final Thoughts

You should now be able to go and plant clover in your lawn by using a few simple steps. This lovely plant will provide a stunning carpet-like form in your lawn and stay full and green even through harsh conditions. Make sure to follow this article step-by-step, and in no time, you’ll achieve a clover-filled garden.

Featured Image Credit: Pereverzeva Olesia, Shutterstock


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