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7 Moped Accident Statistics in Canada (Update in 2024)
Kristin Hitchcock
Last updated:
Mopeds aren’t as popular as they once were. However, they provide an effective means of transportation for those who don’t have a motorcycle license. While they aren’t technically motorcycles, they are often grouped with them, so it is hard to find many statistics about moped accidents.
There are many theories out there about moped safety. Some people claim that they are much safer than motorcycles. Others claim they aren’t any safer, especially because you don’t need a special license.
However, there is some information we do know about mopeds. Let’s take a look.
The 7 Moped Accident Statistics in Canada
Moped accident fatalities seem to be holding steady throughout Canada.
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Moped Accidents Fatalities
1. Moped accident fatalities seem to be holding steady throughout Canada.
According to some reports, accident fatalities in moped and motorcycle accidents are steady throughout Canada. The numbers fluctuate every year. However, since 2009, they have hovered around 200 fatalities per year. The sharpest decrease was in 2011 and 2012. However, the numbers rose to 200 in 2013 and have stayed there ever since.
This is despite several attempts by local and national governments to lower these numbers.
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay
Causes of Moped Accidents
2. Alcohol contributes to 25% of moped and motorcycle accidents.
(Ottawa Citizen)
Sadly, alcohol is a big contributing factor to moped accidents. As many as 25% of all accidents occur when the rider has a blood-alcohol level higher than the legal limit. Considering that many vehicle-on-vehicle accidents are caused by the other vehicle, this statistic leaves most single-vehicle accidents to be caused by alcohol—at least partially.
Therefore, drinking while driving is not recommended.
3. Many motorcycle and moped accidents occur in new owners who have had their bikes for less than 5 months.
(Hurt Report)
Often, moped accidents happen to new drivers. Likely, this is because new drivers are less skilled and more likely to make mistakes. As we have seen, rider error is a common cause of accidents. Therefore, your chance of an accident decreases significantly after the first five months of riding.
Nearly half of all accidents occur before this 5-month mark.
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay
4. 12% of accidents involve speeding. Usually, this leads to user error, such as breaking too hard or sliding.
(Ottawa Citizen)
Speeding plays a role in about 12% of moped and motorcycle accidents in Canada. Based on this information, it is vital that you remain under the speed limit when driving. Speeding greatly increases your chance of an accident.
Preventing Accidents and Fatalities
5. Helmets can prevent fatalities by a lot. According to many reports, helmets prevent fatalities by around 37%.
Therefore, we highly recommend wearing a helmet at all times. While a moped is not a motorcycle, wearing a helmet can still save your life if you get into an accident. You lower your odds of dying a lot by wearing a helmet. Full-face helmets reduce your risk even more.
Image Credit: Naveen Saxena, Unsplash
6. Rider training can prevent accidents by roughly 46%.
Many accidents are caused by user error. Therefore, it only makes sense that rider training would help prevent accidents. While mopeds aren’t motorcycles, consider taking a rider course of some sort to help teach you how to ride. This way, you can reduce the odds of getting into an accident by almost half.
7. Added safety features like traction control and ABS can also prevent accidents and fatalities by around 37%.
Mopeds aren’t known for their safety features. However, purchasing a model with safety features of some sort can help prevent accidents. Traction control is helpful, as many accidents are caused by sliding. However, in the end, any safety feature helps prevent accidents; that’s why they’re there.
Image Credit: DedMityay, Shutterstock
Frequently Asked Questions About Moped Accidents in Canada
What percent of riders get into accidents?
Based on the number of registered bikes in Canada and the number of accidents yearly, about 1% of bikers will get into an accident. We don’t know what ratio of these individuals drive which “bike,” though. We expect that many of them drive motorcycles, but how that compares to the percentage of moped accidents is unknown.
Sadly, many bicycle, moped, and motorcycle accident statistics get rolled into one, as they are often reported under a general “bike” category.
Who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents?
About two-thirds of accidents involving mopeds and motorcycles are two-vehicle accidents. In other words, they usually involve a moped and a car. That leaves one-third that only involves the moped. In these latter accidents, the most common cause is rider error.
The majority of vehicle-on-vehicle accidents are caused by the other party, which is usually a car. These accidents happen most often at intersections. Often, the car turns without seeing the moped coming.
If you consider all accidents together, moped riders are likely at fault around 50% of the time.
Image Credit: Josfor, Shutterstock
What is the number one cause of moped accidents?
Most moped accidents are caused by failure to yield on the other party’s account. In other words, the car or other vehicle keeps going when the motorcycle has the right-of-way. Often, this leads to the car and motorcycle running into each other.
With that said, another common cause is speeding, especially when no other cars were involved. Therefore, we recommend focusing on what you can control and not speeding. You may not be able to make other people notice you, but you can slow down at intersections and be sure they’re giving you the right of way.
How many moped accidents are there in Canada?
We don’t have information for mopeds specifically, as they are often grouped in with motorcycles and bikes. However, Canada has about 200 fatalities from these accidents each year. We don’t know the exact number of motorcycle accidents, as these are often underreported. It isn’t always reported if someone goes off the road or has a small accident with another vehicle.
Image Credit: 12019, Pixabay
Which age group has the most moped and motorcycle accidents?
Younger riders often have the majority of accidents. Usually, this is the result of their inexperience riding motorcycles. (Remember the previous statistic that most accidents happen within the first 5 months of riding.) Therefore, it’s expected that this group to have many accidents.
However, 50 and older individuals have higher fatalities. Therefore, they are much more likely to die in a wreck. There are many factors for this, such as the higher likelihood of being involved in vehicle-to-vehicle accidents instead of in single-vehicle ones. Plus, this group is huge and makes up a lot of the population.
Mopeds are likely more dangerous than cars. However, many accidents are caused by preventable occurrences. For instance, driver error, speeding, and alcohol are all linked with increased risks. Most accidents involve at least one of these factors. Luckily, you can control these things, which means you can prevent accidents.
Of course, you can do many other things to stay safe, too. For instance, you can wear a helmet and purchase vehicles with safety features.
Kristin Hitchcock is passionate about an array of DIY topics - from blacksmithing to making children's toys. She understands the importance of choosing the right tool for the right job and enjoys informing others on the options currently available on the market. She is a stronger believer that you can do practically anything yourself with the right tools and knowledge.