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11 Types of Most Common Butterflies in Vermont (With Pictures)

american lady butterfly

Vermont offers a home and sanctuary to hundreds of butterfly species. Each species is unique, with colorful patterns that put on a stunning show when seen in person. If you live in Vermont, you probably noticed some of these lovely butterfly species in your backyard, and now you are wondering what species they might be.

If you want to be able to recognize the most common butterfly species in Vermont, read the article below, where some of the most unique and gorgeous species are listed.

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The 11 Types of Most Common Butterflies in Vermont

1. American Lady

American Painted Lady butterfly
Image By: Leena Robinson, Shutterstock
Scientific name Vanessa virginiensis
Range Southern Canada throughout the United States
Habitat Wet meadows, large forests

The American Lady is an orange and black butterfly with distinctive white spots on its wings. The front legs of this butterfly are covered with short hairs or bristles. Cobweb patterns on the underside characterize the wings of the American Lady. This butterfly prefers sunny locations such as meadows, large forests, or open fields.

2. Mourning Cloak

mourning-cloak butterfly
Image Credit; Erik Karits, Pixabay
Scientific name Nymphalis antiopa
Range From Canada to southern South America
Habitat Parks, gardens, lakes, streams, ponds

The Mourning Cloak is famous for its maroon wing color, with blueish spots closer to the edge and intense yellow margins. The Mourning Cloak feeds primarily on tree sap but also on rotting fruit. Like most butterfly pieces, they also enjoy early blooming shrubs and nectar. You can find the Mourning Cloak in forests, parks, and fields.

3. Gray Hairstreak

gray hairstreak butterfly
Image Credit: Annette Shaff, Shutterstock
Scientific name Strymon melinus
Range Southern Canada to Central and northern South America
Habitat Woodland areas, forests, meadows, parks

As the name suggests, the Gray Hairstreak is a primarily gray butterfly with lovely patterns. Each wing has a black and white stripe, with orange-capped black spots above the tails. Females are usually larger than males, with blueish tints on the gray wings. Unlike most butterfly species, these butterflies don’t stay in only one habitat, instead are widespread across forests, meadows, and woodlands.

4. Red-Spotted Purple

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly
Image Credit: 4Me2Design, Pixabay
Scientific name Limenitis arthemis astyanax
Range Eastern United States
Habitat Streams and woodlands

The Red-Spotted Purple is black, with stunning blue shading towards the wings’ borders. The hindwings have three orange spots near the base, and the forewings have two red bars. This butterfly is a lovely forest species commonly found in wooded areas.

5. Red Admiral

lorquin’s admiral butterfly
Image Credit: Joyce Marrero, Shutterstock
Scientific name Vanessa atalanta
Range Europe, Asia, North Africa, the United States, and the Caribbean
Habitat Seasides, mountains, and residential gardens

The Red Admiral is a large and stunning butterfly you can often spot in residential gardens. This butterfly is medium-sized, with characteristic black wings. Across the wings, vivid red stripes are visible, with white spots on the borders. The Red Admiral resides in warmer climates, typically moist woodlands, seasides, and mountains.

6. White Admiral

white admiral butterfly
Image Credit: Wayne, Pixabay
Scientific name Limenitis arthemis
Range North America, Eurasia, Japan
Habitat Shady woodlands, roadsides, forests

White Admirals are gorgeous medium-sized butterflies with dark, black wings. Except for red stripes, this butterfly is almost identical to the Red Admiral. The White Admiral has lovely white dotted lines across the wings. The distinctive flight makes this butterfly easily recognizable in the garden; they make several short wing beats followed by long glides.

7. Common Wood-Nymph

a common wood nymph butterfly, also known as the blue-eyed grayling
Image Credit: Chandan Chaurasia, Unsplash
Scientific name Cercyonis pegala
Range Southern Canada, continental United States
Habitat Woodlands, meadows, prairies, wetlands

The Common Wood-Nymph is a genuinely unique butterfly species, also known as the “Google Eye” or simply “Wood-nymph.” The wings are brown, with two pairs of distinctive eye spots on each wing. These butterflies are often seen in woodlands, fields, wet meadows, and pastures. Each Wood-Nymph butterfly’s appearance varies slightly, but each can be easily recognized in the wilderness.

8. Pearl Crescent

a Pearl Crescent butterfly perched on a yellow and red flower
Image Credit: Joshua J. Cotten, Unsplash
Scientific name Phyciodes tharos
Range North America
Habitat Pastures, fields, pine woods

The Pearl Crescent butterfly is a very colorful and intense species with an orange surface on the wings covered by fine black markings or veins. The borders of the wings are shaded black, with tiny white marks lined up. The name “Pearl Crescent” comes from the pearly white marks on the underside of the hindwing.

9. Aphrodite Fritillary

Aphrodite Fritillary
Image Credit: Andy Wilcock, Shutterstock
Scientific name Speyeria aphrodite
Range North America
Habitat Woods, wet meadows, prairies

The Aphrodite Fritillary is a butterfly with a lovely orange surface, with black spots covering the entire upper side of the wings. The underside has multiple white dots inside thin black circles. These butterflies can usually be spotted in prairies and wet meadows, feeding on nectar from plants such as milkweed and viper’s bugloss.

10. Spicebush Swallowtail

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
Image Credit: ArtisticOperations, Pixabay
Scientific name Papilio troilus
Range Eastern United States
Habitat Wooded areas

The Spicebush Swallowtail is a large butterfly with a stunning dark appearance. Its wings are dark black with lovely blueish shading towards the ends. On the wing’s margins are rows of white dots, followed by two long tails on the ends. They tend to move in wooded areas such as forests, parks, and roadsides, feeding on nectar from milkweed, thistles, and jewelweed.

11. Cabbage White

Pieris Rapae or cabbage white butterfly
Image Credit: NIL-Foto, Pixabay
Scientific name Pieris rapae
Range Central Canada throughout the United States
Habitat Meadows, woods, bogs, suburbs, and residential gardens

The Cabbage White is a small to medium-sized butterfly known for its delicate and gentle appearance. The wings are colored creamy white, with distinctive brownish dots on the back of the wings. On the very tips of the forewings, there are small, recognizable black bands.

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Many butterfly species can be spotted in Vermont and the most popular ones you can see are listed in the article above. If you want to earn a new skill—recognizing these butterflies in your garden—read the descriptions carefully as they contain the basic information about the butterfly’s unique appearances.

Featured Image Credit: Mike Goad, Shutterstock


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