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6 Different Types of Ladybugs: Did You Know There Are That Many?
Ed Malaker
Last updated:
Ladybugs are extremely popular insects in America and the rest of the world, and many people consider them good luck. With more than 5,000 species worldwide and 22 that are native to the United States, you might wonder which ones are the most popular. Keep reading as we list several of the most common varieties so you can spot them in the wild.
The Convergent Lady Beetle is one of the most common ladybugs in the United States. You can find these insects living in grasslands, forests, fields, backyards, and parks. They are quite widespread, and you can even find them in Hawaii. They primarily eat aphids and can eat 30–50 per day, often consuming up to 1,000 in a single summer.
People might call the Pink-Spotted Ladybug a Pink Ladybug or a Pink Ladybird Beetle. It’s an important insect in Missouri because it helps keep parasites like the aphid to a minimum. You can find it almost anywhere in the eastern two-thirds of America. It tends to inhabit crop fields of corn, cotton, soybean, rice, and alfalfa.
3. Asian Ladybird
Harmonia axyridis
The Asian Ladybug, or Asian Ladybird, is the type of ladybug most likely to invade your home in the fall. It can be quite large at around ¼ inch, and it can be any of several colors but is usually deep orange or red. These insects typically spend their time alone hunting and feeding, but as the temperature starts to drop in autumn, they can begin to gather in house walls. They can collect in large numbers if they can find a way into your home. They gather for better protection from the cold as they hibernate through the winter. Since they are already together in spring, it’s easier for them to mate. While having many insects in your wall can be a nuisance, they don’t carry diseases, won’t damage your structure, and usually don’t bite.
As the name suggests, the Thirteen-Spotted Ladybird should have 13 spots on its back. It is usually red or orange with short antennae and shiny legs and will deposit 10–50 tiny eggs on the underside of leaves.
5. Two-Spotted Ladybird
Image Credit: Ihor Hvozdetskyi, Shutterstock
Adalia bipunctata
The Two-Spotted Ladybird is a common ladybug that you can identify by the two large spots on its back. You can find it in various habitats, including backyards, forests, and parks. It can be a variety of colors, including black with red spots. They are similar in appearance to the 10-Spotted Ladybird but have fewer spots and black legs instead of orange.
6. Seven-Spotted Ladybird
Image Credit: xanatos1000, Pixabay
Coccinella septempunctata
One of the most common ladybugs in the United States is the Seven-Spotted Ladybird. As the name suggests, this ladybug has seven spots and is a helpful insect that enjoys eating aphids and other insects. Look for it in backyard gardens and parks or anywhere there is a collection of aphids.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ladybugs
Do Ladybugs Sleep?
Ladybugs don’t sleep like humans, but many go into a type of hibernation at night or when the weather becomes overcast. They also overwinter, hibernating until spring.
Can I Tell How Old a Ladybug Is?
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell how old a ladybug is, and no outward signs give it away, despite an urban legend that says that they get more spots as they age. Most ladybugs live 1–2 years, with some living as many as 3.
Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos, Pixabay
Are Ladybugs Harmful to Humans?
While the Asian Ladybeetle can invade your home and be a nuisance, most ladybugs are beneficial and help eliminate aphids and other pests that can damage your plants.
Can You Keep a Ladybug as a Pet?
Several commercial ladybug kits enable you to grow ladybugs at home to help you learn about and study them. While ladybugs can be fun to raise, we recommend letting them go once they reach adulthood, so they can have a better chance of finding the food that they need to survive.
While more than 5,000 species of ladybug can be found worldwide, about 22 are native to the United States. Of those, the six on this list are the most common. When most people think of a ladybug, they likely picture a Convergent Lady Beetle or a Seven-Spotted Ladybird. Asian Ladybirds or Orange Ladybugs are becoming more well-known because they tend to invade homes in the fall.
Ed Malaker is an experienced writer who has brought his knowledge to a wide range of blogs, including home improvement, guitars, computer programming, tools, fitness, and pets. If you don't catch him writing, you can usually find Ed working in the garden or taking on DIY projects around the house. Ed’s also a talented musician, spending time composing music for independent films or helping people fix their guitars.