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Can a Pear Tree Pollinate An Apple Tree? Facts & FAQs

apple trees

People worldwide pollinate their fruit trees to enhance production and grow tasty fruits. Certain fruit plants are self-fertile, and they won’t need pollination. However, plants like pears and apples require pollination from another variety of their species to bear fruits.

Although you probably already know that you should mix the same fruit with another variety of the same fruit for them to grow, many people wonder if you can combine two different fruits during pollination. Depending on the “pollination group”, pollinating an apple tree with a pear tree is possible.

This article will dig deeper into pollination and explain when a pear tree can pollinate an apple tree.

Keep reading to learn more!

garden flower divider

What Is Pollination?

Pollination is the process in which pollen from one plant is transferred to the other so that it can bloom. Typically, bees are in charge of pollination, and they collect pollen that they transfer from plant to plant. It’s crucial to provide an adequate pollination environment for your fruit trees for them to bear fruits and prosper.

Pear Tree
Image Credit: satynek, Pixabay

Pollinating Apple Trees

For your apple tree to bear fruit, it needs another tree that will cross-pollinate it. There are only a few apple varieties that are self-fertile, while some are entirely sterile.

For best pollination chances, the second tree should be within a 500 feet range. Although the wind will help in pollinating apple trees, you should plant pollinator-attractive flowers nearby to draw bees and other insects to the site.

Apples, pears, and similar fruits are divided into groups according to their flowering time, and you should pick varieties of the same group so that they will reach the flowering season simultaneously.

Can a Pear Tree Pollinate an Apple Tree?

Typically, cross-pollination between different fruits is not something that people do as it could lead to your tree not bearing fruits. However, you can use pears to cross-pollinate apples if both trees are in the same pollination group and bloom at the same time.

Below is a list of varieties of pear trees and their groups which will help you determine which apple variety your pear tree pollinates.

Variety Pollination group Compatible groups
Louise Bonne of Jersey A A/B
Conference A A/B (Except Williams Bon Chretien)
Brandy B A/B/C
Beth B A/B/C
Beurre Hardy B A/B/C
Merton Pride B A/B/C (You cannot use it to pollinate other trees)
Williams Bon Chretien B A/B/C
Glou Morceau B A/B/C
Winter Neis B A/B/C
Concorde C B/C/D
Cannock C B/C/D
Humburg C B/C/D
Invincible C B/C/D
Sensation C B/C/D
Doyenne du Comice C B/C/D (Except Onward)
Onward C B/C/D
Hellens Early D C/D

It’s certainly something you can try out, but the final result might not be as successful as you’d like it to be.

pear tree with fruits
Image Credit: Pixabay

Apples grow the best and produce tasty fruits by mixing them with other apple varieties. Some of the best apple pollinator species are:

Best apple pollinator species
  • Grimes Golden
  • Virginia Beauty
  • Goldrush
  • Virginia Gold
  • Summer Banana
  • Gala

garden flower divider Conclusion

A pear tree can pollinate an apple tree as long as they belong to the same pollination group. Before pollination, ensure that both trees fall under the same category and you shouldn’t have issues with the process. However, know that it might not be as successful as when you pollinate the same fruit trees of a different variety.

Featured Image Credit: Hans, Pixabay


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