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How Fast Do Succulents Grow? Tips, Factors, & Types

deep watering succulents

If you want to plant succulents for the first time, you’re in the right place. First, understand that the slow-growing succulents take 1 year or more to grow while the fast-growing types take about 3 days to a couple of weeks after planting to grow. However, the time it takes them to grow depends on the soil, sunlight, weather conditions, and root propagation.

That said, this post will go into depth about the rate at which succulents grow, how to grow them faster, and the different types of succulents. Apart from their beauty, you will also learn about their amazing benefits. Let’s get started.

garden flower divider

How Fast Do Succulents Grow?

Various factors will determine the growth rate of succulent plants. These factors are:
  • The species
  • Container
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Water
  • Soil quality
  • Type of propagation

Succulents generally grow slower than other plants, although there are faster types, such as the Echeveria, and slow ones, like Haworthias. Echeveria can grow from 4 to 6 inches annually, while Haworthias will take an entire year or longer to grow to 2 to 3 inches.

Whether to propagate your succulents or grow them from seeds will significantly determine their growth speed. Growing them from seed is slower than propagating them. Depending on the succulent type, the seedlings may take 10 to 14 days to germinate.

When you grow your succulent from the stem, expect to see its root in at least one month. However, root propagation will take only 3 to 4 weeks for roots to sprout. If you propagate succulents from leaves, you should see roots growing after about 14 days.

If you go for offset propagation (separating a succulent baby from its mother), you should expect new roots to sprout within 10 weeks.

freshly watered succulents
Photo Credit By: Marijana, Pixabay

The Tips for Growing Your Succulents Faster

For your succulents to grow faster, you should expose them to suitable conditions with proper plant care. Here are some of the favorable conditions these fleshy plants require:

Well-Drained Soil

For optimal growth, you should only plant your succulents in fertile, high-quality, well-drained soil. You can make your soil from a sand mixture for cacti and succulents or buy one from your local garden store. If you decide to DIY, you should try blending three equal amounts of regular gardening soil, coarse sand, and half perlite or pumice. Then, gently massage your succulent roots before sowing to allow nutrient distribution and the soil to fall away.

person potting a succulent
Photo Credit By: Neslihan Gunaydin, Unsplash

Organic Fertilizer

You’ll need to add organic fertilizers like compost or bone meal for fast and healthy succulent growth. Apart from increasing their growth rate, fertilizers will also improve the plants’ health and facilitate nutrient absorption. Avoid using too much since this may cause stunted growth or burn the plant.

Sufficient Light

Succulents often do not need much sunlight. The amount of light exposure they need greatly depends on the type of plant. Some flourish in minimal to no sunlight, while most require about 4–6 hours of indirect sunlight since direct sun exposure will burn their leaves. You can tell they need the sun once they start expanding or stretching toward sunlight.

giant agave succulent
Photo Credit By: jongeohall, Pixabay

Removing Offsets from the Mother Plant

Remove offsets immediately after they form if you want to enjoy rapid succulent growth. Doing this will allow the plant to gain enough light without blockage from the offsets. You can pluck them with your hand because they do not have a root system.

Proper Pot

The right pot for your succulents should be well-ventilated and allow proper drainage. An ordinary pot that limits breathability and drainage will cause your plants to decay due to accumulated moisture. Also, do not plant too many succulents in one pot to prevent the plants from competing for root space. Striving for root space will limit how they absorb nutrients.

prickly pear succulent
Photo Credit By: MonikaP, Pixabay

Regular Watering

Succulents, like cacti, can survive without water for long durations. However, this does not mean that you should neglect to water them. It would help if you devised a watering schedule for them, especially when their soil becomes dry, so they grow quicker. Then, remember not to water the plants directly because it will cause the leaves to dry.

garden flower divider

What Are The Different Types of Succulent Plants?

There are two main types of succulents, namely:

Slow Growing Succulents

These succulent kinds grow so slowly that you will hardly notice their growth. Furthermore, they will take at least one year to develop.

They include:
  • Barrel cactus
  • Gasteria
  • Haworthia
  • Crinkle leaf plant
  • Living stones
desert rose succulent
Image Credit: AdaFirefly, Pixabay

Fast Growing Succulents

Fast-growing succulents grow fast in the first 16 to 24 weeks. After that, they will grow far more slowly.

Some famous examples are:
  • Echeveria
  • Century plant
  • Aloe Vera
  • Stonecrop
  • Mother of thousands

What Is Succulent Dormancy?

Succulents’ dormant stage is similar to an animal’s hibernation season. This is the period when their growth is significantly slower than usual.

While some plants sleep deeply throughout the winter, others remain dormant over summer. Succulents only need a small amount of water during this stage.

yucca succulent plant
Image Credit: PxHere

What Are the Benefits of Growing Succulents?

Do you know that there’s more to these juicy plants than what meets the eyes? Some of their benefits are:

Enhances Aeration

Aloe vera and snake plants are two succulent plants that effectively eliminate toxins in the air. Owning succulents will enhance the air quality in your home. And since plants absorb harmful gasses like ammonia in the air through their pores, you will stay in safe hands.

Boosts Your Concentration

You already know that succulents improve your level of happiness. But did you know that succulents can enhance your productivity and focus? According to studies, keeping succulents improves concentration so that you can finish your tasks more quickly. These studies confirmed that having these plants around will help you focus and pay attention better.

pigs ear succulent close up
Image Credit: Grobler du Preez, Shutterstock

They are Medicinal

Succulents like Aloe vera and Yucca treat illnesses like stomach aches, cuts, dandruff, eczema, and burns. Aloe vera juice has medicinal properties like reducing inflammation and treating digestive tract issues. It is also widely used in the cosmetic industry thanks to its skin-soothing properties.

On the other hand, Yucca was traditionally used to treat cuts and scratches, but it currently treats arthritis and can be used as a supplement. Antioxidants like saponins found in it reduce swelling and relieve joint discomfort.

Humidify the Air

During photosynthesis, succulents emit water vapor through their pores, adding more moisture to the air and keeping the atmosphere from becoming overly dry. This removes unpleasant conditions like dry skin and sore throats caused by dry air.

garden flower divider


Do not shy away from bringing succulents home to spruce up your living room, garden, and bedroom. After all, who wants to miss out on all the excellent benefits they offer?

Just ensure to practice patience with them. If you want to enjoy seeing them blooming, plant some soon after reading this to see them mature within a year. Happy planting!

Featured Image Credit: feey, Unsplash


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