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8 Simple Ways to Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

Potentially the worst part of being a pool owner is opening up that skimmer cover and realizing you are not alone. Having to reach in and grab out an amphibious friend who had the misfortune of chasing the wrong insect is certainly not an ideal way to start your day.

We have all been there, and sometimes it seems like the situation can be never-ending. If you are tired of hearing your kids say, “What is floating in the pool?”, we are here to help.

A frog falling in your pool here and there should not cause any significant issues with bacteria in the water. If your pool’s chemicals are in balance, there is enough chlorine to handle this unfortunate mishap. However, if this is a constant issue and frogs start laying eggs in your pool, the problems can get worse.

Before your pool gets to that point, there are some straightforward home remedies and quick fixes to keep frogs out from the start.

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The 8 Simple Ways to Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

1. Frog on a Log

Yes, you may have guessed it already, but there is a product for this exact issue. What happens when a frog gets into your pool is that it continues to swim, looking for a way to get out and likely can’t find the escape before it drowns. The Frog Saver Animal Escape Ramp gives the frog a place to jump out and escape the pool before ending up in that skimmer basket.

Two downsides to this fix: First, it doesn’t keep frogs out of the pool, just saves them. Secondly, you have to be OK with how it looks floating in the pool. It might be something you put in just for the night but you have to commit to doing that.

FrogLog Animal Saving Escape Ramp for Pool

2. Break Out Those Gardening Gloves

Ever ask yourself, where are all these frogs coming from? Chances are they are coming from areas within proximity to your pool.

Frogs like to hide in long grass, moist areas with vegetation, cold, and dark spots. If you have been neglecting those gardens around the pool area, it may be time to thin them out. Keeping plants simple and weed-free will help to make sure that the frogs go looking for a pond instead of your pool. Even cutting the grass regularly will decrease the overall frog population in your yard.

3. Fences

A fence around your pool works as a deterrent to frogs. Many areas of the country have safety codes that require a fence around the pool, so why not get one that keeps frogs out? You would have to look at more of a stockade-type fence with no gaps in between to make sure that frogs stay on the other side. If this is not the look you are going for, we still have other solutions!

4. Turn the Lights Down Low

Frogs are not jumping in your pool to cool off on those hot summer nights. Like all of us, just trying to survive, they are in search of food. At night, the insects start hitting your pool for a drink of water. When light shines on the pool and the frogs see the insects, they jump in for that late-night snack.

Sometimes turning the lights off just a little earlier each night can help with keeping the frogs out. If they can’t see the bugs, they will be less likely to chase them into the water.

5. Cover it Up

This idea is really two-fold.

First, if you put a cover on your pool at night, it will be much more difficult for any small creature to fall in. Choosing something lightweight and easy to maneuver is essential; otherwise, we all know it is likely not getting done every night.

Secondly, if you choose something like a solar cover, it will keep the pool warmer. A solar cover is a benefit because who doesn’t love a heated pool? But it’s also an excellent frog deterrent.

Frogs do not like warm water; they would much rather jump into a refreshing pool. Keeping the pool heated and covered will, without a doubt, lessen the number of frogs you discover in the pool.

frog in swimming pool
Image By: Pixabay

6. Deterrents

Spraying a mixture of bleach and water around the edge of your pool can be a great way to get frogs to turn around and head back the other way. The strength of the bleach stings them and causes them to avoid the area entirely. But there are a few things to keep in mind if you are going to use this method.

Bleach will kill plants, grass, and flowers, so be sure to use a spray nozzle that does not ruin your landscaping. Although this method is effective, it will likely need to be repeated quite often. Unfortunately, this is not a “set it and forget it” type of solution.

If bleach is a bit too harsh for you, lemon and vinegar can also work. Mix equal parts lemon juice and water and spray it around your pool deck. The acid in the lemon will cause a burning sensation for the frogs and keep them away. Keep in mind, just like the bleach; the lemon can be bad for grass and plants. (Same goes for the vinegar/water solution).

There are also toxic deterrent options that will kill frogs, but these can be dangerous if you have children or pets.

7. Keep the Water Moving

Remember how we mentioned that the frogs are just trying to eat those insects? Well, insects prefer stagnant water. At night, if your pool filter is off and the water is still, the bugs start to attack. Keeping the water moving is a great way to keep the bugs away, which in turn will keep the frogs out of the pool.

Using a decorative floating water fountain can sometimes be enough to keep the water from getting too still. Choose something with varying water flow heights. This way, you can set it to a level that keeps water moving but also doesn’t disturb you or your neighbors with a splashing noise throughout the night. These water fountains are also more aesthetically pleasing than a floating frog island.

pool fountain
Image Credit: Pexels

8. Eliminate the Food Source

As we have mentioned several times, the frogs are just looking for insects. If you can lower the total number of insects in the vicinity, your pool will likely be forgotten by the neighborhood frogs. Purchasing insecticides, buying a bug zapper, or having a local company come out and spray organic deterrents are all ways to decrease the bug population in the yard.

You’ll be less likely to pull a frog out of your pool, and also be suffering from fewer insect bites. It could be worth a shot!

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Nobody wants to find a dead animal of any kind in their pool. If you find yourself continually dealing with frogs in your pool, these simple solutions can make a big difference. Luckily, there are ways to stop this without spending a great deal of money. Keep in mind a frog here and there is not going to cause significant problems in the safety of your pool; however, in the long term, if the population grows, you could be dealing with broader issues.

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Featured Image Credit: fietzfotos, Pixabay


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