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When Does Anthurium Bloom? What You Need To Know

closeup of red anthurium andreanum flower

Anthurium is an attractive flowering plant, and you might also hear people call it a tail flower, flamingo flower, or lace leaf. It’s native to South America but also grows well in the United States, and many interested gardeners wonder when it blooms. It typically blooms throughout summer, but it can do it at other times too. Keep reading as we look into the blooming cycle of the anthurium and discuss how you can get it to bloom more often.

garden flower divider

When Will My Anthurium Bloom?

Your anthurium will typically bloom in the summer, producing colorful flowers that can last 8 weeks or more, making it a great indoor plant. However, you can get it to bloom throughout the year by pruning back the blooms when they droop, which will help the plant redirect its energy into producing new flowers. As long as you keep the plant healthy, this method will help you receive four to six more flowers per year than if you didn’t prune.

What Is an Anthurium?

The anthurium is a type of herb that usually grows on other plants and receives its water and nutrients from the air, though it will also grow in pots. It has glossy heart-shaped leaves that look attractive in any home and produces long-lasting flower spikes with a large red spathe and an orange or yellow spadix. You can also find varieties that produce white, purple, orange, or yellow flowers.

blooming anthurium flowers
Image By: supiga, Pixabay

Getting Your Anthurium to Bloom


The anthurium plant is easy to grow and doesn’t require much extensive care, but you can get it to bloom more frequently by ensuring that it has plenty of indirect sunlight. Keep it in the brightest room in your home, but don’t let direct sunlight fall on the flowers or they may wilt prematurely. Grow lights can help ensure that your plants will get the light that they need without burning them. The more light you provide, the more flowers you will have.


Fertilize your anthurium monthly or bi-monthly for the best results. To receive more flowers, choose a bloom booster for orchids that has a high phosphorus concentration. For a more natural approach, you can use organic ingredients like kelp and worm castings.

pile of kelp meal as an ideal organic fertilizer
Image By: David Schliepp, Shutterstock


Since the anthurium is a tropical plant, it will thrive in areas with a large amount of humidity, like the bathroom — if there is enough light. Increasing humidity to 70%–80% will help the plant produce shinier leaves and more flowers throughout the year. You can increase humidity by keeping the plant near a humidifier or placing it on a bed of wet pebbles. Spraying the plant frequently will also help increase humidity, but remember to ensure that there’s plenty of air circulation to prevent mold growth.

What Kind of Soil Does My Anthurium Need?

Anthurium plants like to grow on other plants, and when they grow naturally, you will often find their roots dangling in the air. Therefore, most potting soils will not work for these plants, and using them will only lead to root rot. Instead, use potting soil intended for orchids, as it usually contains coarse bark, which will help provide the air that the plant needs while helping it drain quickly. Orchid soil will also usually have a small amount of peat moss or perlite mixed in, which will help retain moisture without becoming too wet.

gardener putting soil into pot with pink Anthurium flower
Image Credit: brizmaker, Shutterstock

What Kinds of Pots Should I Use?

Your anthurium will grow well in any pot as long as the soil is coarse enough to provide plenty of air and there are enough holes in the container to enable water to drain out quickly. Many gardeners recommend unglazed terracotta because the material is porous and will aid in evaporation, while plastic might be better for owners who are worried that they are underwatering the plant.

garden flower divider


If left alone, the anthurium will usually bloom in summer, with flowers lasting about 8 weeks. However, pruning the flower once it begins to droop and wilt will help redirect the plant’s energy, and you can receive several more blooms in the same spot, enabling the plant to bloom all year long. You will get more blooms if you provide enough indirect light and keep the humidity above 70%. A monthly or bi-monthly phosphorus-heavy fertilizer intended for orchids can also help your anthurium produce more flowers, and keeping the soil coarse by using bark will help the roots get the nutrients that they need and prevent root rot.

Featured Image Credit: JACLOU-DL, Pixabay


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