Why Is My House So Cold: 7 Possible Reasons
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
There are many reasons why a house might be cold. Some are obvious and can be easily remedied. Encourage kids, and adults, to close doors behind them or ensure that their windows are properly closed. Others, though, are less obvious and may take more effort to remedy. But remedy them, you will want to, especially to ensure that you and your family stay warmer during the cold winter months.
Read on for seven possible reasons why your house feels so cold and the steps you can take to help fix those problems.
Why Is My House So Cold? (7 Possible Reasons)
1. Gaps In Window And Door Frames
Up to 20% of the heat in your home can be lost through your windows. No matter how energy efficient the windows and doors themselves are, if you have gaps around the frames, you will be letting warm air out and cold air in.
Look for gaps around the frames, ensure that they are properly cleaned out, and then fill them with caulk and filler to prevent draughts from finding a way inside. If the damage is considerable and the gaps especially large, you may need to have them professionally repaired to be able to prevent all cold air.
2. Gaps In Doorways
The doorways are giant openings to the cold outside air. Even if you routinely close the doors and they are rarely open, if there is a gap between the door and the frame, cold air is getting in. Close the door fully and look to see if you can see light around the door and between the door and the frame.
You can get a host of items to block the gap, from temporary solutions that you move when you open the door, to more permanent brush type systems that sit in place and move with the door so you don’t have to move them. A more permanent solution will mean having the door rehung, the hinges moved, or a new door and door frame.
3. Inefficient Heating
Heating systems should cover the whole house, but we tend to change settings according to what we’re doing and who is in and out of the house at the time. Eventually, it can leave you with entire rooms or sections of room that are not being heated at all.
If you have left the heating off in a room because you don’t use it, ensure that you use draught excluders at the bottoms of the door to prevent cold air getting out. If you have a zonal heating system, make sure that all the correct areas of the house are being heated and to the right temperature. You may need to have additional heaters or radiators fitted if the ones you have are not efficiently heating every room.
4. Inefficient Insulation
Insulation can be put in walls, under floors, in the loft, and in the roof. It acts as a physical barrier against the cold and it prevents warm air from getting out, providing double the protection. Every home should be well insulated to help reduce energy usage and improve the internal climate.
Most insulation needs replacing. Some will last two or three years. Some will last ten years or more, but it will all need replacing eventually. If you can access the insulation yourself, check to ensure that it covers the correct depth or width. Alternatively, have somebody come and check it to ensure that it is still efficiently doing its job. Also make sure that the loft entry is well insulated and covered.
5. Heating Air Filters Are Blocked
Heating systems have air filters. They are used to trap debris and they can prevent allergens and pollen from getting into the house while ensuring that your property remains well ventilated, which is still important even if you are trying to prevent cold air from getting in. However, air filters need replacing and they can become blocked or clogged up.
Check the air filters in your system. If the filters are clogged, this will prevent the heating system from being able to work properly and efficiently. You may have noticed that you’ve had to turn the heating up to warm the rooms recently. Unblock or replace the filters to ensure that air is allowed to flow properly once again.
6. Heaters Aren’t Working Properly
Heaters require maintenance when they become damaged, but you shouldn’t wait until they stop working to have them checked over.
Annual or regular servicing identifies small problems before they become big issues. In the long run, a routine service can save you money on repairs and ensure that you continue to enjoy warm air in the house. It is also something that needs to be done by a professional that understands all of the components and parts of the heater.
7. Cold Draughts From The Fireplace
One often overlooked area of the house that might allow cold air in and warm air out is the fireplace. This is especially true of houses that have big open fireplaces. If you don’t use the fire but leave it uncovered you will likely notice cold draughts coming from it.
Buy a cover that you can place over the fire to prevent cold air but that you can remove when you do want to use the fire. This way you can still enjoy the benefits of the open fireplace without having to permanently cover it up.
Conclusion: Why Is My House So Cold
A cold house is uninviting and can be unpleasant, and the problem is even worse during winter. Above, we have listed 7 possible causes of a cold house as well as some possible fixes to help improve the climate in your home.
See also:
- 10 Coldest States in the U.S. – What You Need To Know
- Does Energy Efficient Siding Exist? Everything You Need to Know!
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay