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11 Best Vegetables to Grow in Ohio (With Pictures)

lettuce being planted

If you live in Ohio, you know that it can be difficult to create a nice garden because many plants have difficulty dealing with the temperature changes in this region. Such changes can reduce their yield, stunt their growth, or kill them off, so it’s important to get the right plants before you get started. If you are looking to start a garden, keep reading as we cover several of the best vegetables to grow in Ohio.

divider 5 The 11 Best Vegetables to Grow in Ohio

1. Lettuce

man planting lettuce
Image By: Alexander Raths, Shutterstock
Hardiness Zone 5
Popular varieties Butterhead, leaf

Lettuce is a great vegetable to grow in Ohio because it enjoys the cold spring and fall months more than many other plants. It’s easy to grow and doesn’t require fertilizer, and you can pick it all year long to create salads or sandwich toppings. The only downside of growing this tasty vegetable is that it attracts wild animals, like squirrels, deer, and rabbits.

2. Kale

Image Credit: heidimaria, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 6-9
Popular varieties Curly, Ornamental

Kale is an extremely healthy vegetable that will provide you with numerous important vitamins and minerals if you eat it regularly. It’s also relatively easy to grow in southern Ohio, where it’s warm. It’s an ornamental plant that can help improve the appearance of your garden, and it’s hardy enough to grow the entire year.

3. Peas

green peas
Image Credit: Devanath, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 5
Popular varieties Snow peas, English peas

Peas are vegetables that are easy to grow throughout the majority of Ohio. They enjoy the cold weather of early spring, which helps produce better-tasting peas. They’re also great for vertical gardening because they like to climb up things, so they don’t require much horizontal space.

4. Tomatoes

Image Credit: kie-ker , Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 6
Popular varieties Big boy, cherry

Tomatoes are extremely popular plants throughout the northeastern United States because they grow well. You will want to plant your tomatoes about 2 weeks after the last frost for the best results. However, you’ll have to cover the plants if a late frost occurs, or the plants’ growth can be stunted and your harvest reduced.

5. Squash

squash on the ground
Image Credit: Innviertlerin, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 6
Popular varieties Zucchini, spaghetti

Squash is perfect for any garden in Ohio because it can grow well in the climate there. It can withstand hot and cold temperatures and help cross-pollinate other fruits and vegetables in your garden. The most difficult part of growing this plant is keeping the squirrels from eating the delicate flowers before they can turn into food.

6. Cucumber

cucumbers plants
Image Credit: heidimaria, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 4-11
Popular varieties Pickling, Persian

Cucumbers are popular vegetables to grow in the northeastern United States because they are extremely hardy and can grow in hot and cold weather. They’re amazing cross-pollinators and produce fruit throughout the entire season.

7. Peppers

Image Credit: JillWellington, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 3-8
Popular varieties Bell, habanero

Peppers are fantastic insect-resistant vegetables to grow in any garden. They don’t take up much space, so you can fit them almost anywhere, and they’re well suited to vertical gardening. They enjoy plenty of heat, and you will have a big harvest after a hot summer, but they are also quite tolerant of cool temperatures.

8. Green Beans

green beans
Image Credit: Piqsels
Hardiness Zone 3-10
Popular varieties Bush, Pole

Green beans are easy-to-grow vegetables in Ohio that many people enjoy because they’re well suited to vertical gardening and don’t require much water. However, green beans do have a problem with insects, and too much cold weather can damage them.

9. Radishes

Image Credit: Hans, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 2-10
Popular varieties Tarzan, French

Radishes grow exceptionally well in Ohio because they can handle the cold weather and in fact, prefer it over too much warmth. If it gets too hot, the radish can bolt to seed, which ruins the flavor. If you expect a hot summer, it’s better to plant them earlier in the year, while it’s still cool.

10. Eggplant

Image Credit: Couleur, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 5-12
Popular varieties Fairy tale, Italian

The eggplant does well in hot temperatures but will grow in Ohio if you plant it late. This vegetable is high in antioxidants, which can help boost your immune system. It’s an easy plant to grow because it doesn’t require any fertilizer, and there are many different varieties, so you can find one that you love.

11. Potato

Image Credit: Wounds_and_Cracks, Pixabay
Hardiness Zone 3-10
Popular varieties Russet, red

Potatoes are fun vegetables to grow in Ohio, and the resulting harvest will provide you with plenty of high-energy food. They’re among the easiest plants to grow and only require you to plant them and wait for the right time to harvest the vegetables.

Choosing Your Plants Using the Ohio Hardiness Zone

If you want plants to grow correctly in your garden, the best thing to do is look at a gardening map to find out your hardiness zone. Hardiness zones range from 0 to 13, with 0 being the coldest and 13 the hottest. Every plant grows best in a certain range of zones, ones that provide the environment that it needs for optimal growth and harvest. For instance, most of Ohio is in hardiness zone 5, with a few small southern areas having a hardiness zone 6 designation. When choosing plants for your garden, you will have the most success growing plants that are suited to your zone. The zone that each plant grows best in is usually listed on the seed packet.

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There are many tasty vegetables that you can grow in Ohio. Lettuce, peas, radishes, and potatoes work especially well, but the others will grow just fine too. If you are anticipating a hot summer, peppers and tomatoes are a must, while green beans and kale will do better in cold weather.

Featured Image Credit: Filmbetrachter, Pixabay


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