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How to Get Gum Out of a Dryer in a Few Simple Steps (5 Methods)

man using dryer

The last thing you want to find in your dryer is chewing gum. However, it’s easy to forget a few sticks of gum in your shirt or jeans pockets before plopping them in the washer. The result is an ugly, sticky mess that’s super difficult to clean up. Not only will you have gum stuck on your clothes, but it’ll also smear gum inside your dryer.

Everyone knows how annoying chewed-up gum can be when stuck on clothes or hair. The good news is that you don’t have to stress too much when you get gum melted all over the dryer. Here’s a step-by-step guide for getting the gum off the dryer and your clothes.

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The 5 Simple Ways to Get Gum Out of a Dryer (Step-by-Step)

1. Using Natural Oil

Natural oil is an excellent solvent for chewing gum and will dissolve the sticky mess with ease. Follow the below steps to remove gum from your dryer with natural oil.

Step 1: Spray PAM cooking oil on the Messy Areas

cooking oil spray can
Image Credit: mscanland66, Pixabay

PAM cooking oil helps lubricate chewing gum and makes it easier to remove. Spray a generous amount of cooking oil on the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 2: Wipe Away Excess Oil

Use a paper towel to wipe away any excess oil that’s not stuck to the gum. You don’t want to leave a greasy residue on your dryer.

Step 3: Wipe the Gum Away

Wiping Washing Dryer with Microfiber
Image Credit: Sergey Mironov, Shutterstock

Use a dry paper towel to wipe the chewing gum off the dryer. The natural oil will loosen the gum so it comes right off. Once you’ve removed all the chewing gum, wash the area with soap and water to remove any oil residue.

Step 4: Respray the Cooking Oil (Just to Be Sure)

If you’re still seeing chewing gum residue, respray the area with cooking oil and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a paper towel to wipe away the chewing gum.

Step 5: Wash the Dryer with Soap and Water

Chamber of clothes dryer
Image Credit: Mark Brandon, Shutterstock

Wash the dryer with soap and water one final time to remove any leftover oil residue.

2. Use an Ice Cube

Ice cubes are also great for getting chewing gum off clothes and other surfaces. The cold temperature will harden the gum so that it’s easier to remove. Doing so is a breeze. All you have to do is put ice cubes in a Ziplock bag and seal it shut. Rub the ice cube over the chewing gum for about 30 seconds. The gum should harden and become easier to remove.

3. Use a Hair Dryer

Pink hair dryer
Image Credit: Olha Solodenko, Shutterstock

A hairdryer can also be used to remove chewing gum. The heat will cause the gum to soften so that it’s easier to remove. Here’s how you remove gum from your dyer with a hair dryer.

Step 1: Heat Up the Gum With Your Hair Dryer

Turn your hair dryer on the highest heat setting and hold it about 6 inches away from the chewing gum. Heat the gum for about 30 seconds so that it becomes soft.

Step 2: Use a Knife to Scrape Off the Gum

Use a butter knife or another sharp object to scrape off the softened chewing gum. Be careful not to scratch the surface of your dryer.

Step 3: Repeat as Needed

If you’re still seeing chewing gum residue, repeat steps 1 and 2 until the gum is completely gone.

4. Use WD-40

image Credit: Benedek Alpar, Shutterstock

WD-40 is a versatile product that can be used for a variety of things, including removing chewing gum. The product will help to dissolve the gum so that it’s easier to remove.

Step 1: Spray WD-40 on the Chewing Gum

Spray a generous amount of WD-40 on the chewing gum and let it sit for a few minutes. Be sure to wear gloves because ingesting WD-40 can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Use a paper towel to remove any excess WD-40 that’s not stuck to the chewing gum.

Step 2: Use a Knife to Scrape Off the Gum

Use a butter knife or another sharp object to scrape off the chewing gum. Be careful not to scratch the surface of your dryer.

5. Use Laundry Detergent Paste

scoop of detergent
Image Credit: karunasanghvi, Pixabay

Laundry detergent paste will help to dissolve the gum so that it’s easier to remove. This is an inexpensive way of removing gum from your dryer.

Step 1: Make a Laundry Detergent Paste

To make a laundry detergent paste, mix together equal parts of laundry detergent and water. Apply the paste to the chewing gum and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a paper towel to remove any excess paste that’s not stuck to the chewing gum.

Step 2: Use a Knife to Scrape Off the Gum

Use a butter knife or another sharp object to scrape off the chewing gum once it softens. Be careful not to scratch the surface of your dryer. Once you’ve removed all the chewing gum, run a cycle in your dryer to remove any detergent residue.

5. Use Dryer Sheet

If you don’t have any of the above methods on hand, you can also use a dryer sheet to remove chewing gum. All you have to do is place a dryer sheet over the chewing gum and use a hot iron to heat up the chewing gum. The chewing gum will become soft and easy to remove. Once you’ve removed the chewing gum, be sure to wash the dryer sheet in hot water to remove any residue.

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Final Thoughts

Removing chewing gum from your dryer doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With these simple methods, you can get the job done quickly and easily. Don’t forget, prevention is better than cure. So, be sure to keep chewing gum away from your dryer to avoid any future issues.

Featured Image Credit: Zivica Kerkez, Shutterstock


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