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How to Get Rid of Condensation in Double-Pane Windows: 9 Ways

Woman cleaning a window

Unlike conventional windows, double-pane windows feature two panes. The space between the panes keeps the house cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s cold. This space is filled with dense gas or air with molecules that move slowly, keeping the space at a constant temperature.

However, the heat from the sun causes the panes to contract and expand, leading to poor drainage and water retention in the window frame. This consequently weakens the contact between the seal and window glass. When the seal is compromised, moisture gets into the airspace between the panes leading to condensation on the glass. This makes your windows get foggy or milky.

Excessive condensation causes damage to the walls and windows and mildew or mold in the entire house. It’s essential to prevent this condensation to prevent these problems. This article looks at how to get rid of condensation in your double-pane windows.

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The 9 Ways to Mitigate Condensation Problems in Double-Pane Windows

1. Open Windows and Drapes

This is the simplest way to remove condensation from your double-pane windows. The key to minimizing condensation is to enhance ventilation and reduce your room’s humidity. However, this does not mean you should leave your windows open throughout the night.

Airing your space for thirty minutes after waking up or after you shower is enough to remove condensation on double-pane windows. This also helps get rid of condensation on other hidden parts inside the cabinets, closets, and walls.

You can also open blinds or drapes in the morning to allow for air circulation around your window and remove condensation quickly.

2. Install Moisture-Loving Plants in Your House

Humidity-loving plants such as bromeliads, orchids, tillandsia, spider plants, aloe Vera, and peace lily offer a great solution to preventing condensation of your double-pane windows. These plants absorb moisture from the air, thus reducing humidity in your house. You can hang the moisture-loving plants in a basket on the wall or ceiling or in a pot near the window.

Start by choosing the right dehumidifying plants ideal for your house or those that appeal to your aesthetics. Take into consideration the cost and the maintenance work needed. Besides, consider if anyone is allergic to the plant as you make the selection.

Proceed to place it in the right location so that it can absorb the excess humidity from your space. Since you want to get rid of condensation on your double-pane window, it’s advisable to place them near the window. You can place the plant on a table near the window or hang it in a basket around the windows, as already mentioned.

adding fertilizer on potted aloe vera
Image Credit: Iryna Imago, Shutterstock

3. Use Baking Soda

Baking soda absorbs moisture, making it a great product to get rid of condensation in double-pane windows. You can also place it around your house to help reduce humidity. Baking soda is a cost-effective option and doesn’t have any side effects when placed in different rooms in your house.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Put the baking soda into bowls or other containers you have in your home. Choose bowls or containers that will fit where you want to place them.
  • Cover the bowls with a thin cloth.
  • Place the bowls strategically where the baking soda can absorb moisture on the double-pane windows.
  • Baking soda hardens when it absorbs moisture. You need to replace it with a fresh one to improve its effectiveness.

4. Rock Salt

Rock salt is a highly effective dehumidifier. It is a hygroscopic material, meaning it can draw and store water. Rock salt works the same way like an electric humidifier, but the advantage is that you don’t incur power bills. It’s also non-toxic, natural, and a cost-effective option.

All you need is one bag of rock salt and two five-gallon buckets, then follow the procedure below.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Create holes at the bottom or sides of your bucket.
  • Put this bucket into another that doesn’t have holes.
  • Put the rock salt into the top bucket (the one with the holes).
  • Place the bucket in a strategic position near the double-pane window to improve its effectiveness. The water collects at the bottom of the bucket when the rock salt absorbs moisture from your space.
  • Pour the liquid and replace the rock salt to allow for more effectiveness.
Image Credit: riopatuca, Shutterstock

5. Turn Your Air Conditioner to “Automatic.”

You can also eliminate the condensation of your double-pane windows by turning your AC to the auto setting. Use this method if you cannot leave your windows open for a long time. For this, you need the auto setting instead of the ON setting because the ON setting leaves the air blowing at all times. The air blows even when the air is not cooling, meaning the accumulated condensation is not removed.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Have a look at your air conditioner’s thermostat settings. All thermostats have the same settings, including cooling, heating, and fan options.
  • With the fan option, you have the auto or ON settings. To effectively remove condensation on your double-pane windows, choose the auto settings. The automatic setting is more applicable since it switches the fan off when it is not cooling, making water moisture drain.

6. Use a Hairdryer

A hairdryer offers a quick fix to remove the condensation of your double-pane windows. However, you need to know that this will not prevent the problem from occurring in the long term. When using a hair dryer, ensure your windows don’t have cracks since the heat will cause more damage.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Check your hair dryer and ensure it is free of hair or dust.
  • Set it to medium heat and high speed.
  • Blow the double pane window to remove the condensation. Make sure you don’t neglect the seal because it is also affected by moisture. Blow until the window is completely dry.
Blue hairdryer
Blue hairdryer (Image Credit: Meganbeckett27, Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)

7. Use Window Dehumidifiers

Another great solution to remove condensation on your double-pane windows is to get enough dehumidifiers in your home. Place the dehumidifiers strategically throughout your space, especially in wetter spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens.

You don’t have to keep the dehumidifiers running at all times. Use them when your space feels stuffy, when you find stains on your ceilings or walls, or window condensation.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Determine the right-size dehumidifier for your house. The larger options pull more moisture from the space, making them great if you have a large space. For your bathroom or kitchen, you can invest in smaller dehumidifiers.
  • Run the devices. When you note increased humidity in your space, turn on the dehumidifiers. They pull moisture from your house, thus preventing condensation in your double pane windows.
  • Pour the water. Your dehumidifier collects water and will eventually fill the tank. When the tank fills, pull it out and empty it. Besides, clean the inside using a damp cloth to get rid of particle buildup.

8. Invest in Exhaust Vents and Fans

Using exhaust fans and vents can go a long way in ensuring no condensation of your double-pane windows. The vents help get moist air outside your space. Install the exhaust fans in rooms with appliances that emit a lot of moisture.

You can have some in the bathroom and run them for around twenty minutes after showering. Besides, use stove and kitchen fans when cooking and run them for fifteen minutes when you finish cooking. All this is in a bid to get rid of moisture, which could lead to window condensation.

ceiling fan in the bathroom
Image Credit: Siam SK, Shutterstock

9. Seal All Cracks Around Your Double-Pane Windows

Openings and cracks allow cold air to get into your house. So, you can stop the condensation of your double-pane windows by sealing all the cracks around the windows and doors with caulk.

All you need is a caulk, a small knife, and a caulking gun, then follow the steps below.

Here are the steps to follow:
  • Prepare the double-pane window by removing the old caulk using a small knife. Use a caulking gun to heat the old caulk and make it easy to remove.
  • Clean the surface using a damp sponge to remove any leftover caulk. After the surface is dry, brush off all the remaining debris and residue.
  • Apply the caulk by cutting the nozzle at 45 degrees angle to make it easy to apply. Apply the caulk evenly and then smoothen it.
  • Clean all the messes to ensure your windows look perfect and give time for the caulk to dry.

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Getting rid of condensation in your double pane windows helps prevent damage to your wall, windows, and the growth of mildew in your house. The first step in getting rid of this condensation is avoiding excess moisture in your indoor space. For instance, if you have prolonged hot showers or open boiling pots, you allow for excess moisture in your space. Avoid things that allow more humidity into your space because this will lead to condensation in your window panes.

Another option is to avoid having excess plants in your rooms. Excess plants lead to a watery environment, especially if you water them a lot. You need to have a few plants and focus more on those that are humidity-loving to absorb excess moisture from your space.

You can eliminate the condensation by sealing cracks on the windows and doors, using a dehumidifier, exhaust vents, fans, hair dryer, baking soda, rock salt, or having humidity-loving plants that can absorb excess moisture in your space.

Apply the best method, depending on your specific situation and the size of your space. It’s advisable to use methods with a long-lasting solution if possible.

Featured Image Credit: CDC, Unsplash


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