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20 Types of Sedum Succulents (with Pictures)
Pete Ortiz
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Sedum succulents are extremely tough and resilient. They mostly grow high on mountains and require very little maintenance. Drought-resistant, they rely on the sun to grow. Most sedums can survive a harsh winter1—they go dormant. So, if you’re an amateur gardener and live somewhere up north, sedums will be a great purchase for your backyard. Overall, there are 400–500 species of sedums.
Today, we’ll check out the best ones. After going through the entire genus, we picked the following 20 sedum succulents for the list. They’re all beautiful, easy to grow and maintain, and handle temperature extremes. Pay extra attention to the metrics, make sure you get the right soil for your plants, and enjoy a garden full of sedums!
The 20 Types of Sedum Succulents
A plant that lives for 2 years or more is called a perennial, which differentiates it from annuals (which last for one single season), trees, and shrubs that come with woody growth. As long as you take care of perennials (water them according to the requirements and grow them in the right soil), they will come back next year. They do have a short blooming period, though.
Low-growing, hardy, and drought-resistant, Gold Moss is one of the toughest sedums on planet Earth. If you have a rock garden and are looking for the right “mossy” succulent, Acre can be the perfect pick. It flourishes in well-drained and poor soil and survives through winter. As long as it gets full/partial sun and moderate watering, Gold Moss will take over the landscape with lovely rosettes and star-shaped flowers. It blooms in mid-March.
What sets the Golden Sedum apart from most succulents is that it grows extremely fast. It prefers full sun and sandy, porous soil. Also, make sure it’s well-drained. The blooming period starts in late March/early April and the plant thrives through late October, growing 8–9 inches tall, with 1.5-inch-long leaves. The leaves are nice and thick and turn from light green in the summer to white in the winter. Do remember to move it indoors during the cold days!
When exposed to full sun and planted in loamy, moderately watered soil, the Aizoon stonecrop grows 14–20-inches tall and can spread up to 25 inches. The branchless stems, bright green color, and low-maintenance nature make it a perfect pick for your garden. Sedum Aizoon mostly grows in the Siberian Mountains and easily handles temperature extremes. Expect it to bloom in June and last through most of the winter days.
Native to the Swiss Alps (yes, hence the name), Sedum alpestre is a low-growing species that enjoys full sun and aerated areas. The soil needs to be very well-drained; otherwise, you won’t see much growth. Mostly yellow but flecked with red, the Alpine stonecrop blooms in July, thrives in late summer, and lasts until early winter. Weather-resistant, it’s mostly found high up on hills and mountains (up to 10–11K feet).
When grown in moist, sandy soil, the English stonecrop has a green-gray color and can quickly take over your landscape. However, when it doesn’t get enough water, you’ll see the leaves turn pink. As for the flowers, they are star-shaped and only reach 1–2 inches in length. The fruits, in turn, are pinkisk-red. Sedum anglicum prefers full sun but also grows in partial shade. And it can handle a moderate winter climate.
The one thing that makes this succulent stand out is, of course, the length. Make sure you put it in well-drained and moderately fertile soil and expose it at least to light shade. As a result, you’ll get leaves that reach 1.5–2 feet in length. The stems are green(ish), while the flowers are bright yellow. Plant it in early June, and you’ll see Komochi bloom in mid-summer. Drought-tolerant, it doesn’t need much water after taking root.
Known as the blue stonecrop in certain parts of the world, Jenny’s stonecrop is native to the European continent but thrives in the Americas as well. Do your best to expose it to full sun (partial shade will also work) and see that the soil is sandy, loamy, and well-drained, with neutral acidity. Like most sedum succulents, this plant sprouts in the early days of summer and survives until the first frost (late October/early November).
If you’re looking for something exotic for your garden, the Appalachian stonecrop is a safe bet. Native to the US, it mostly grows on mountains and requires very little care to prosper. Full/partial sun, well-drained soil, and moderate watering will ensure steady growth. If you live in a hot and dry area and the soil isn’t particularly rich, this plant will still thrive. Expect it to bloom in May and “stick around” through most of the fall.
The White stonecrop (you may know it as the Jelly Bean sedum) is famous for its unusually long stems and leaves that resemble jelly beans. You won’t have to worry about sun exposure too much, because it can flourish both in full sun and light shade. However, depending on how much light it gets, the leaves will be either green or red. More importantly, this creeping plant survives in frost and can grow outdoors (it’s native to Siberia).
Mostly used as ground cover, the Japanese stonecrop will instantly grab your attention with the four-parted flowers. It doesn’t like water that much and grows best in well-drained and light soil. Allow the soil to dry before each watering. When exposed to full sun, the green foliage will turn pink. But Makinoi can also flourish in partial shade and survives through late fall/early winter.
Easy to plant, maintain, and quick to grow, annuals have a very short, yet bright life. They only live for one season, but it’s much longer than that of perennials. It usually takes them 2–3 months to go from germination to seeds. The best thing about annuals—they all have different blooming times. That means you can plant 3–4 sedum succulents and you’ll always have flourishing plants in the garden!
Tired of the somewhat boring green stems and flowers in your backyard? Then give the Azure stonecrop a chance. The leaves of this bushy herb aren’t very tall (6–7 inches). But, as soon as the sky/blue stonecrop fully develops, your garden will get overwhelmed by gorgeous, star-shaped, bright blue flowers and red–maroon leaves. Both colors are quite rare among sedums.
Maybe you’re not a big fan of red and blue? Well, what about yellow flowers with reddish stems? Native to Ireland and Finland, the annual stonecrop blooms rapidly in early summer when exposed to full sun. And, while it can’t handle harsh winters, it will survive outdoors through late fall. Make sure the soil is loamy but not very moist. Only 2–4 inches tall, the annual stonecrop is found on hill slopes and rocky areas.
First mentioned back in 1753, the Pink stonecrop is an incredibly resilient and drought-resistant plant. Native to Europe (and parts of Africa and Turkey), it easily tolerates partial shade but will benefit from exposure to full sun (at least 4–6 hours a day). Also, make sure that it gets enough light. Otherwise, the stems, leaves, and flowers will fade rather quickly. As for the soil, it needs to be well-drained, nutrient-rich, and sandy.
Only 6–7 inches tall, Sedum litoreum features star-shaped flowers and thrives in less-than-ideal conditions. Do you have a spot in your garden that’s always dry and exposed to the sun 8–10 hours a day? The coastal stonecrop will do just great there! And if the sand is rich and sandy, it will bloom as early as late March, taking root in one or two weeks after planting. Sedum litoreum won’t make it through in freezing temperatures, though.
15. Coast Range Stonecrop
Image Credit: JumpStory
Botanical Name:
Sedum radiatum
Loose, loamy, gravelly, moist (pH 6.0–7.7)
Full sun
Hardiness Zone:
In Bloom:
Late April to October
Like most stonecrops, Sedum radiatum grows on mountains. It’s native to the US (California and Oregon, to be exact) and produces tiny, bright-green leaves. The petals, in turn, are usually white or yellow. Full sun and moist, loamy soil—that’s the ideal environment for the coast range stonecrop to grow. It blooms in mid-spring and lasts until October and will be ideal for edging the borders of your garden.
Aren’t shrubs and bushes the same thing? Not quite! Yes, they do often have woody stems, but that’s the only thing that makes them similar to bushes. Shrubs are tough and thrive on their own. Here, we have some of the most fan-favored, user-friendly, and long-lasting sedum succulent shrubs to plant in the US.
Thick, dark-green leaves with occasional red tips, and an average size of 10–12 inches—that’s the Goldii in short for you. It’s quite a popular shrub and usually appears in early/mid-summer. When taken care of properly (full sun, moderate watering, well-drained, poor soil), it will survive through most of the winter. It’s native to Mexico, though; so, move it indoors as soon as the nights get really cold.
This right here is arguably the most exquisite succulent shrub on the planet. The rose-shaped leaves are predominantly green but red on the tips and around the edges. The tree stonecrop can be as tall as 2.7–3 inches and grows in poor and well-drained soil. Full sun is preferred, however. Furthermore, while it does make it through early winter, it’s still recommended to move it indoors until the first frost.
Gardeners that want to “spice things up” in their backyards with a new sedum succulent should consider getting the giant jelly bean. Despite the name, this shrub only grows 7–8 inches tall. It’s the fat leaves (bright green with red around the edges) and the lovely gloss that make them a popular choice. Full sun, sandy, rich soil, and neutral acidity will ensure fast growth (as early as March).
Don’t let the comical name fool you: Sedum commixtum is a stunning shrub. The stems bloom in early spring and reach up to a foot in height. The flowers—the stars of the show—feature a beautiful mixture of colors. The foundation is always gray-blue while the tips are purple or red (or even brown). The rosette-shaped leaves produce yellow flowers in winter.
Upright shrubs are also in large demand these days, and the red stonecrop is a clear example why. When planted in sandy and loamy soil and exposed to full sun (for at least 5–6 hours), it takes over the landscape in the blink of an eye. The leaves are bright green with white flowers, but when the first frost hits, the leaves turn reddish-pink. It would be best to move Sedum moranense indoors until the cold passes.
Hardy, tolerant, and enduring, sedum succulents survive in harsh weather conditions, including drought, extreme heat, cold, and poor soil. You don’t need to water them much, either. As long as they get enough sun and the right fertilizer, these plans will grow like champs. Do keep in mind, though, that not all sedums are 100% frost-resistant.
Some are recommended to move indoors before the first frost; or, at least, cover them with frost-protectant materials. Sedums are quite diverse, too. You’ve got tall, short, rosette-like, curled, four-parted, green, yellow, red, and other kinds of leaves and flowers. So, pick the species that you like best, do your homework on sun exposure, soil, watering, and blooming time, and get to planting!
Pete has been working in the trades since high school, where he first developed a passion for woodworking. Over the years, he has developed a keen interest in a wide variety of DIY projects around the home. Fascinated by all sort of tools, Pete loves reading and writing about all the latest gadgets and accessories that hit the market. His other interests include astronomy, hiking, and fishing.
As the founder of House Grail, Pete's primary goal is to help consumers make educated decisions about DIY projects at home, in the garage, and in the garden.