16 Bathroom Mirror Trends (With Pictures)
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
Mirrors play a huge role in our lives. On average, we look into a mirror at least 4–5 times per day. And it’s usually the one in the bathroom that hears us say, “Who’s the fairest of them all”? So, if you’re a bit tired of the same old “looking glass” back home, you’re probably thinking about buying a new one. But which one do you choose? There are so many options.
Our experts are here to lend a helping hand! After carefully studying the market, we put together a list of the biggest mirror trends for your bathroom. The list includes classic, retro, rectangular, round, and other kinds of mirrors.
Top 16 Bathroom Mirror Trends
1. The Classic Round-Shaped Mirror
The best thing about this trend is that you can’t go wrong with a round mirror. They cost next to nothing, don’t take up much space on the wall, and can work in pretty much any environment. The curved lines, simple yet extravagant design, and thin frame help turn the bathroom into a cozy and relaxing space. If you’re happy with the rest of the design yet want to change one single element, a round mirror will be a great pick.
2. LED Backlit for Night Visits
If you know the bathroom like the back of your hand, you won’t need any light fixtures. But, in most cases, a mirror with an LED light is a welcome addition to the restroom. First, it doesn’t blind you when you walk in with sleepy eyes. Secondly, the LED is strong enough to illuminate the space (so that you don’t accidentally hit something) and help you see yourself in the mirror better.
That’s exactly why LED backlit and lighted mirrors are so popular today. And if you pay a bit extra, the mirror will have a built-in touch sensor for controlling the light (making it brighter or dimmer). This way, you can find the perfect amount of light for brushing your teeth, shaving, and putting on make-up.
3. Opting for a Wooden Frame
If plastic or metal is not your cup of tea, think about investing in a mirror with a wooden frame. Maple, cedar, and oak have always been trendy, and a wooden frame is a perfect match for a bathroom mirror. This is especially true when the countertop, the cabinets, and the rest of the furniture are also crafted from natural materials. The list includes fabrics, stones, and clay, to name a few.
And if the frame is slightly wider than the actual mirror, that will make it look even better.
4. Large, Illuminated Rectangular Mirror
Don’t feel like a round mirror will fit your vision for the bathroom? Then try another raging trend for this year: rectangular shapes. For this design idea to “click”, get your hands on a large mirror with a wide frame. As for the colors, black, white, and neutral are your best bets. Also, make sure the mirror is symmetrical with the countertop, ceiling, and carpet (if you have one).
The three light fixtures right on top of the mirror are a great touch as well. But be careful not to overdo it and keep the focus on the mirror.
5. How About No Frame at All?
This might seem like a strange design choice at first, but frameless mirrors are, indeed, worth all the praise. For a tiny bathroom, the lack of a frame means more space for towel racks, light fixtures, and other elements of décor. Frameless mirrors are often used in industrial, modern, and Japandi designs. Color-wise, opt for neutral, cold, and slightly dark tones. This way, it will be much easier to integrate the mirror.
And if you don’t like how the mirror looks, you can always put it in the kitchen, living room, or any other space.
6. Making the Mirror a Part of the Interior
You won’t have to introduce any big changes to the bathroom for this trend. Instead, let the initial design dictate what kind of a mirror you pick. We’re talking about the shape, size, and frame material. In this setup, the frame matches the table, towel holder, and chair. Plus, the mirror is hanging from the wall, which makes it an interesting part of the design.
7. Two Is Always Better Than One
A pair of mirrors is another big trend these days, and for families with kids, this could be a life-savior. You will have to install two sinks in the bathroom, of course, which might be a turn-off for some homeowners. On the bright side, this design can turn an average bathroom around and make it look brand-new. A towel holder on each side, plus a light source right above each mirror, will help with that.
You’re free to choose whatever shape and size you like, be it arched, square, or curvy.
8. Mirror Turned Medicine Cabinet
Here, we have another smart decision for people who have limited space in the bathroom. Put the mirror slash cabinet right above the sink, and you’ll always have quick access to meds, creams, and toiletries. Getting ready for the day (i.e., applying skin care products, lotions, and shaving creams) without ever stepping out of the bathroom sure does sound great! Medicine cabinets aren’t at all expensive yet carry great value.
9. Embracing Retro Décor Ideas
Vintage elements can be easily implemented into a modern-day bathroom and add a lovely touch to it. And you don’t have to go for something expensive to make an impact. Retro is not about lush ornamentations, rare materials, or one-of-a-kind designs. For the frame, choose teal, apple green, or pastel colors. The shape of the mirror, in turn, can be an octagon, hexagon, or something else.
Floor mirrors can also bring in retro vibes, but they might not fit in your bathroom.
10. Why Not Pick Bright-Color Frames?
Green, yellow, and red aren’t exactly the most-picked colors for a bathroom mirror, but today, they are becoming a popular choice. And, as always, you have carte blanche on the shape of the mirror. The same goes for the bathroom as a whole. In some scenarios, opting for bright colors on the walls, the cabinets, and the sink yields great results. In other cases, everything looks better when the mirror stands out.
Yes, this will take some experimentation and going back and forth before you nail it.
11. Lack of Symmetry and Bold Shapes
If you’re tired of boring designs and want that “wow effect” in the bathroom, go with asymmetric shapes. Irregular wall mirrors have two big pros. First, you can hang them wherever you want. Next, they’re often used as statement pieces. Irregular mirrors are all about standing out from the crowd and introducing a little bit of chaos in an otherwise perfectly balanced environment.
Character and purpose: that’s the best way to describe them. If you’re fond of unique designs, this could be a great purchase. Do keep in mind, though, that the lack of symmetry and the non-conventional design may be overkill for your bathroom, especially if you group several mirrors together.
12. Larger-Than-Average, Crescent Mirror
Up next, we’ve got a stylish, black-and-white bathroom that mixes minimalism with industrial and Scandinavian. And, while the sink, the bathtub, and the gray bricks on the wall all look great, it’s the big, round mirror that’s running the show. It covers the better half of the wall and also serves as a piece of décor. The LED lighting and the curved shape make it stand out even more, instantly grabbing attention.
It’s a perfect solution for people looking for a full-length mirror that fills the room with light.
13. Picking Oval Over Round
Full-body mirrors aren’t always the best choice for a bathroom, and that’s when oval shapes swoop in to save the day. They are the golden middle between round, rectangular, and full-length mirrors and excel at reflecting light, visually enlarging the room, and making a stylistic statement. Depending on the color and material of the frame, the mirror can either be just another décor element or an accent piece.
14. Copper Frame for Accents
The frame is often overlooked, but it can easily make a mediocre mirror look equally trendy, classic, and expensive. Here, we have a copper frame that fits the environment yet makes it more engaging. You can play it safe and order a classic round/rectangular design. Or why not buy a handmade, rustic, or reclaimed mirror with a thick, larger-than-average frame?
Metallic surfaces go hand-in-hand with wooden cabinets, stone tubs (like porcelain), marble floors, and wall-tall windows.
15. Japanese/Scandinavian Vibes
Are you ready to switch to something exotic yet beautiful and practical? Then you might like what Japandi has to offer. This style is the “love child” of Scandinavian and Japanese designs, and it’s built around minimalism, pastel colors (mostly white and beige tones), and natural elements. Wood is always the central element in a Japandi design and covers the doors, windows, and even the washbasin.
Bathroom renovators can try different styles on the mirror’s frame, including custom designs like we see in this example.
16. Luxurious, Arched Mirror
If you’re the lucky owner of a spacious bathroom, an arched mirror might be the one element it’s been missing. It’s a perfect fit for marble floors, walls, and sinks, giving the bathroom a luxurious touch without shifting into maximalist territory. Another great thing about these mirrors is that they can “cover” two sinks simultaneously. And if there’s a window or a light source on the other side, that’s even better!
Arched elements of décor aren’t always appropriate, but when they match the rest of the room perfectly, you get an equally stylish and convenient space.
Picking a Trendy Mirror: The Basics
- The shape comes first. For many years, round mirrors used to be the kings of queens of mirror-dome. Today, rectangular, square, and arched shapes are gaining momentum. You can even choose an asymmetric design or a looking glass that has the shape of a water drop. If you have the budget for that, consider ordering a custom-built mirror.
- What about the size? The bigger, the better—that’s the general rule for mirrors. Couples who like to use the bathroom simultaneously know this very well. But you can always go with a bunch of smaller mirrors on the wall. This might not be the most practical solution for the average bathroom, but it could work in your space.
- The style matters as well. Did you know that mirrors have been around for 8,000 years? That’s right, and today, we have quite a few styles to pick from. It can be vintage, chic, art-deco, industrial, classic, Scandinavian, or something in between. But, for first-time renovators, we recommend matching the mirror to the bathroom’s original design.
- Lighted mirrors for the win. Right now, this is a huge trend. Lighted mirrors are fancy yet affordable and very practical, especially for late-night visits to the bathroom. As for backlit mirrors, they do a great job of reflecting your face. Plus, they fit a wide range of styles, including modern, industrial, and Japandi..
- Extra features to consider. When the frame is thick enough, it puts the focus on the mirror, making it “pop”. That said, when there’s no frame to begin with, the mirror looks a bit larger and blends with the rest of the design flawlessly. And if you have a tiny bathroom, a mirror/cabinet door might be an even better option.
Using a Mirror to Enhance the Bathroom: A Quick Guide
In the US, the bathroom and the kitchen are the most popular picks for the first renovation project. That’s because it doesn’t take much effort, time, or financial investment to improve these spaces. More importantly, you can achieve great results by adding a single décor piece (like the mirror). Place the mirror in front of a light source, and the bathroom will look bigger.
If you still feel a bit cramped while doing the morning rituals, opt for a larger mirror. It might look a bit too much, but you’ll get to visually expand the room even further. Two mirrors instead of one can have the same effect, but that will depend on the overall design of the bathroom. As for the materials, natural wood is, of course, the most preferred choice, but it also tends to be pricey.
The mirror in the bathroom is arguably the most important part of the décor. First, it’s always in the center of attention. Secondly, by design, mirrors are flexible and easy to move around: it literally takes two minutes to reposition them. Lastly, they come in different shapes and sizes, and you won’t have to pay a fortune for a brand-new mirror.
So, by changing this one element, you can breathe new life into a boring old bathroom. Today, we checked out 16 outstanding bathroom mirror trends for you to try. We specifically picked the trends that look great in the average bathroom, don’t take much effort to implement, and are easy on your wallet. Take a pick!
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