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Should Kitchen Countertops Match the Floor? Kitchen Aesthetic Explored

If you have decided to remodel your kitchen, it can be both exciting and daunting. There are so many design choices and color schemes to choose from, which could result in you combining textures and colors that don’t work.

Your kitchen’s countertops and floors are usually the first elements to catch your eye, and they set the tone for the type of kitchen aesthetic you want. Regarding kitchen design, there are no hard and fast rules. But should the kitchen countertops match the floor?

They don’t need to match, but they should complement each other. Because these are two of the most expensive components of your kitchen, they must work well and be harmonious in your overall design.

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How to Match Countertops with Floors

When choosing your materials and color for your countertops and flooring, they should complement each other and work well together.

Start by selecting a color scheme. Your color scheme will be determined by the overall look you are going for. For example, it could be modern, contemporary, rustic, or traditional. The design you are going for will determine whether you choose bright, muted, warm, or cool colors.

Choose two colors that will go well together and a third accent color that will complement the other two colors while providing a visual appeal and personality to your kitchen. Whichever colors you choose, make sure they tie all your kitchen elements together.

The space may become monotonous if your counters and kitchen flooring are the same color. You will need to add some depth, texture, and visual interest. For example, you could add some kitchen cabinets in a contrasting color to break it up or include an accent wall with a striking color or a textured tile.

Using simple or neutral colors in your kitchen will make more minor elements stand out. As a result, you can use a variety of accessories in your kitchen to create a balanced appearance. Furthermore, if you decide to change the look of your kitchen in the future, changing the accent color will be easier than changing the floor or countertops, which are very costly to replace.

Including patterns in your kitchen design creates a unique and specific style, but if you overdo it, the overall appearance will look too busy and cluttered, so adding a small element of your desired pattern will maintain balance and harmony in the design.

Granite Countertops
Image Credit: JamesDeMers, Pixabay

Should I Choose Flooring or Countertops First?

Because the countertop is frequently the most expensive component of a kitchen design, it deserves to be a focal point. They are also what your guests will see first when entering the kitchen. Once you’ve decided on the countertop, you can work backward to choose the flooring.

Countertop and Flooring Ideas

There are no rules when designing your kitchen, but functionality also needs to be considered. Here are some ideas and materials to consider when choosing your kitchen countertops and flooring.

Light and Dark

Combining dark and light colors can create a beautiful and dramatic contrast. Dark colors paired with light colors also create some depth and warmth.

Light colors, like grays and whites, help add the illusion of space while brightening up your kitchen. They are also great colors for hiding scratches.


White kitchens are popular because of the overall clean, spacious, and calm feeling this palette can create. White doesn’t have to be the color of choice; any light hue on both countertops and flooring can create the same atmosphere.

With dark countertops and flooring, you can create a warm and cozy feeling in your space, and dark colors can mask mess and spills a lot better than a clinical white kitchen. The dark pallet can be balanced by making the top portion of your kitchen space lighter. It creates the illusion of higher ceiling space and makes the entire room appear larger.

Wood Countertop
Image Credit By:, Shutterstock


Ceramic Tiles: Ceramic tile floors are an excellent choice because they are long-lasting, water-resistant, resilient, and stain-resistant. You can choose from various styles to best suit your kitchen design.

Concrete: Concrete gives your space a rustic feel and is a good choice for hiding stains. It is a durable material that you can stain or paint to complement your countertops.

Natural stone tiles: Stone tiles will naturally go well with stone countertops, and there are a variety of tiles to choose from. They are usually quite porous, so water and stains can easily penetrate them.

Hardwood flooring: Hardwood creates an earthy natural style and will match just about anything. It can be high maintenance since it is made from natural materials.

Granite: Granite remains popular among homeowners due to its natural composition, elegant looks, and unique designs.

Marble: Marble offers a variety of designs that any floor can be matched with. It is durable and heat resistant and typically more cost-effective than granite.

Quartz: In terms of durability, quartz takes first place. It is made from crushed quartz, polymers, and resin that gives it a finish to resemble stone.

Stainless steel: Stainless steel provides a stunning industrial aesthetic. Stainless steel countertops are water, stain, heat-resistant, and resistant to abrasion.

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Choosing kitchen countertops and flooring that work well together doesn’t need to be a painful task. Anyone with even a tiny amount of taste can tell when materials and colors clash. While your countertops and flooring don’t have to match, they should complement each other so that your kitchen space is not too busy or visually unappealing.

Accent colors work great for adding character and breaking up a monotonal palette. At the end of the day, creativity has no limits, and whether your countertops and floor match, your kitchen can still look spectacular.

Featured Image Credit: Sidekix Media, Unsplash


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