How to Move a Piano: 7 Tips & Tricks
Pete Ortiz - Last updated:
The average piano weighs anywhere from 300–1,000 pounds or more. Because of how heavy pianos are, they are difficult to move. More so, pianos are expensive with some costing over $100,000. Needless to say, you do not want to risk damaging the piano in the process.
When it comes time to move, it’s important that you know the top tips and tricks for moving a piano safely. Below, learn all the tricks you need to know to get the job done without damaging your piano in the process.
Before Getting Started
Before you try the lofty endeavor of moving your piano, it’s important to plan first. With something as heavy and expensive as a piano, extensive planning is required for the moving process.
Find Help
Since pianos can weigh upwards of 1,000 pounds, you never want to tackle the job by yourself. Instead, get some helpers who will assist you during the process. You will need a minimum of four people, but the more the better. The size of the piano and how complex the move will be will determine how many people you need.
Talk to friends, family members, and coworkers to find help. If you cannot get help from the people you know, consider hiring from companies that specialize in moving labor. These individuals will be strong and expertly skilled in knowing how to move heavy objects like pianos.
Measure Entryways
The next thing you’ll need to do is measure all the entryways, halls, and areas through which the piano will be moving. Begin by measuring your piano so you have an idea of how much space is required to get the piano from one destination to the next.
Next, measure the entryways, doors, hallways, and all other areas the piano will be moving through. You may need to find an alternative way out if the piano is too big.
What You’ll Need
The last thing to do before actually moving the piano is to gather all of the needed supplies. The supplies are used to safely move the piano without damaging the instrument or your home in the process.
You want to have a lot of moving blankets, thick towels, blankets, and bubble wrap. These items will protect the piano from getting scratched. Invest in many rolls of tape so you can keep the blankets in place. Get straps so you can secure everything in place as well.
If you have a grand piano, you will need additional tools, such as a piano board or a piano skid board, straps, and a screwdriver. You can rent skid boards from moving companies, but this will cause the price to go up quite a lot.
You might want to consider investing in a dolly or roller as well. This will make the moving process a little bit easier. Keep in mind that a dolly is not safe for all pianos. Use discretion when selecting a dolly to ensure you do not damage your piano in the process.
The last thing to check out is bumpers and protection for the walls, corners, and floor. These tools will ensure that the instrument does not damage the house and vice versa. If you find that the move will be a tight one, definitely get this protection.
The 7 Steps on How to Move a Piano
Once you gather all the tools and plan for your piano move, it’s time to get to work. Here are the steps you need to take to safely move your piano:
1. Cover the Keys
Cover the keys, petals, and other accessories with bubble wrap.
2. Close the Piano Lid
Close the piano lid and cover it with an old towel, packing sheet, or moving blanket; secure the piece in place.
3. Drape moving blankets
Drape moving blankets over the piano and secure the blankets with tape.
4. Further Secure Blankets
Further, secure the blankets by using a ratchet or moving straps.
5. Position Team Members
Position your team members so that there are at least two people per side of the piano.
6. Lift & Carry
Lift and carry the piano throughout the home. Take your time and be careful not to damage the piano or your home.
7. Place in Truck
Place the piano in the moving truck and tie it down using ratchet straps.
A Note on Moving Grand Pianos
If you have a grand piano, you will need to do a little bit more during the moving process. Most notably, you will have to remove the additional accessories, such as the music rack and legs, before the move. You will also have to be extra careful when using a dolly because grand pianos can be damaged if tilted in compromising positions.
Other than those additions, follow the steps above when moving a grand piano.
When in Doubt, Call Professionals
When moving something as heavy and expensive as a piano, there’s never any shame in hiring a professional. Although professional moving companies will cost more, they will ensure that the piano is taken care of during the move. If you cannot find a lot of help or the steps above are stressful for you, consider hiring professionals.
Final Thoughts
Moving a piano is no small task, but it is one that you can do if you have the right team members, tools, and plan. Follow the steps above to safely move your piano. When in doubt, call a professional to keep your piano safe during the move.
See Also: Brilliant Uses for Old Pianos
Featured Image Credit: Just dance, Shutterstock