43 Types of Red Flowers (with Pictures)
- Pete Ortiz
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Red flowers represent love, beauty, and romance. There are many different species, in various shades of red and with unique flower looks. Having red flowers will make your garden appealing and add a touch of softness into the air.
We have listed 43 types of red flowers, along with their characteristics and needs, so keep reading to find out more about their differences.
The 43 Types of Red Flowers
1. Marigold
Marigold is a beautiful annual plant that will add red and orange tones to your garden. This plant requires full sun for its best growth, and they bloom in late spring until the first frost.
2. Begonia
Begonias are plants with a tropical origin that have bright red flowers. They are usually grown as houseplants or annual plants. Depending on the variety of Begonia you have, it can require full sun or shade.
3. Anemone
Anemone is a perfect plant for people who love to have unique and interesting plants in their garden. They prosper the best in moist, rich soils, and they require full sun to partial shade to reach their true potential. Anemone blooms from spring until fall.
4. Hibiscus
Hibiscus will add a lush flair to your garden, making it look tropical and fun. Hibiscus has many purposes, and its flowers can also be used to make healthy beverages and tea. The plant requires a warm and moist environment for its best growth, but it should be put in the shade if the temperatures are too high.
5. Amaryllis
Amaryllis comes in different shapes and colors, but the ones that stand out the most are red. They are special due to their trumpet-like shape. They flower from late December until the end of summer. Make sure you water this plant regularly and keep it in indirect sunlight.
6. Azalea
Azaleas are small, colorful shrubs that grow best in light shade. They can be planted near mass plantings but usually are the most appealing when planted alone. They are low maintenance and should be planted in acidic, well-drained soils.
7. Orchid
Orchids are commonly planted as houseplants. Depending on the variety, they can come in various colors and sizes, but the red ones are among the most beautiful Orchids. They need to be grown in indirect sunlight and to be planted in well-drained, moist soils.
8. Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum is a plant that will add the perfect touch of color to your garden in the fall. Chrysanthemums need a lot of sunlight because the more sunlight they receive, the more they grow. They flower from September to the end of January and require moist, well-drained soils to prosper.
9. Carnation
Carnation is a plant that usually has red, white, or pink flowers. They will grow the best in areas that get over 5 hours of sunlight every day. The solid they require is well-drained and fertile. Once they bloom, which happens in late spring, your garden will be the prettiest in the neighborhood.
10. Poppy
Poppy is a unique flower with over 120 different varieties. This flower type loves to be planted in rich, clay-like soils and has to be in the sun to grow since it cannot prosper in the shade. Poppy blooms from May until late summer, bringing stunning red flowers to your garden.
11. Zinnia
Zinnias come in multiple colors: red, yellow, pink, and orange. They are heavy bloomers, and they grow really quickly. Zinnias need to be planted in full sun and rich, well-drained soils.
12. Hyacinth
Hyacinths are lovely, spiky-shaped plants with many flowers on each bulb. They require full sun to partial shade for their best growth, and they need to be planted in well-drained, moist soils to prosper.
13. Canna
Cannas are one of the most colorful flowers on earth, and they have a unique appearance. They are grown as annual plants, and they prefer areas covered in the sun. Cannas can grow in almost any soil type, but it would be good if it is a bit acidic and possibly well-drained.
14. Red Rose
Red Roses are the synonym of love and affection, perfect for any garden. They come in plenty of different varieties, with flowers of all shades of red. Red Roses need fertile, well-drained soils and sunlight to reach their potential.
15. Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria, or Peruvian Lily, how it’s also called, is a vivid, colorful plant. This plant prefers full sun in the morning, while they need partial shade in the afternoons. If you want your Alstroemeria to thrive, make sure to plant it in moist, well-drained soil.
16. Lily
Lilys are the perfect indoor plant that will add a touch of color and sophistication to your home. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also do a great job of cleaning the air of your home. Lillies love sunlight, so it’s best to plant them in full sun or partial shade.
17. Freesia
Freesia is a plant with red, yellow, white, and pink flowers. They are trendy in gardening due to their fun looks and pleasant scents. Freesias bloom in spring and will light your garden up with delicate, bright flowers. It’s best to plant them in full sun and moist soils.
18. Calla Lily
Calla Lilies are magnificent plants that are so unique that there’s no other plant like it. They will be a perfect addition to your home or garden, making it cheerful and vibrant. This plant doesn’t require much work if planted in well-drained soils, full sun, or partial shade.
19. Tulip
Tulips are excellent garden plants that bloom early in spring. They bloom from April to May in cold climates, whereas they bloom from February to March in warm climates. They have cup-shaped flowers with intense colors. This plant prefers well-drained, medium-moist soils and requires full sun to prosper.
20. Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera Daisy is a vivid, vibrant plant with large colorful flowers. This plant thrives in sandy soils and full sun or partial shade. Ensure that you protect them from frost because they cannot prosper in cold weather.
21. Salvia
Salvias are accessories for any summer garden. This plant blooms from June until November, adding red and purple flowers to your landscape. Salvias need full sun and have to be planted in well-drained soils for their best growth.
22. Dahlia
Dahlias are unique plants with red flowers with dozens of tiny petals resembling sunflowers. Plant Dahlias in full sun, as lack of sun, can decrease its flowering. They prefer rich, well-drained soils that are slightly acidic.
23. Daylily
Daylilies produce colorful, large flowers and don’t require much maintenance. They are extremely easy to grow, but they prefer well-drained soils and full sun to provide their maximum.
24. Verbena
Verbena is a long-lasting, blooming plant that can thrive even in hot climates. This plant needs full sun to prosper and is not too needy when it comes to soil. They prefer well-drained soils, but any other type will work just fine for Verbenas.
25. Cockscomb
Cockscomb is a plant that comes in various varieties and can be red, yellow, white, or orange. They are annual flowers, and the most common ones are red Cockscombs. They begin blooming in summer, and the blooming ends in late fall. This plant will grow the best in full or partial sun and acidic soils.
26. Petunia
When it comes to Petunias, there are hundreds of varieties and different plant species. They have a long flowering period, and they require as much sun as possible to produce many flowers. Make sure that the soil you plant Petunias in is well-drained.
27. Red Corydalis
Corydalis is a plant that has bird-like shaped flowers and comes in different colors. Red Corydalis stands out because that color is not so common in this plant type. They require rich, well-drained soils and full shade to partial sun to prosper.
28. Red Iris
Red Iris is a plant everyone should have since it’s easy to grow, and it looks outstanding once it flowers. This plant has a long blooming period, which begins around early summer or late spring. They require full sun and rich, well-drained soils to thrive.
29. Begonia – duplicate? #2 is also Begonia
Begonia is usually used as a houseplant to add color and fabulous foliage to any room. Depending on the variety of Begonia you have, they mostly prefer full sun or partial shade.
30. Camellia
Camelia is a shrub with large, vibrant flowers. This plant is more complicated to maintain than other red flowers. They require well-drained acidic soils and partial shade for the best growth. Blooming depends on the species of Camellia that you have.
31. Crocus
Crocus is a small, beautiful plant that is among the earliest bloomers of red flowers. They prefer to be fully exposed to the sun or be in partial shade. They should be planted around fall in well-drained soils so that they can prosper.
32. Pentas
Pentas are tropical plants that can make your garden look like a lush oasis. Their flowers come in various colors and have a star-like shape. They need sunlight to prosper and will likely die in cold weather.
33. Lycoris
Lycoris, or Spider Lilies, how people also call them, are stunning plants that can bear red, white, pink, or yellow flowers. They require full sun or partial shade to prosper and need medium-moist, well-drained soils.
34. Gaillardia
Gaillardia is a colorful, easy-growing plant. They grow the best when positioned in full sun and planted in well-drained soils. Their lifespan is relatively short, but they will give your garden a stunning look while they bloom.
35. Red Sunflower
Red Sunflowers are a unique Sunflower type with deep, burgundy colors and orange tones. They need to be planted in full sunshine and can grow anywhere from 5 to 6 feet tall. Red SUnflowers bloom in late summer throughout the fall.
36. Hibiscus – duplicate? #4 is also Hibiscus
Hibiscus comes in multiple colors, although the red Hibiscus stands out the most. This is a great annual plant that will add a touch of color to your garden, while you can also make tea out of it. It grows the best in full sun or partial shade, and it’s best to plant it in acidic soils.
37. Columbine
Columbine is a plant with star-shaped flowers in shades of red, purple, pink, and white. It blooms from spring until summer and will make any landscape look spectacular. Columbine should be planted in full sun or partial shade. They are not too needy for soil types, but the soil has to be well-drained.
38. Streptocarpus
Streptocarpus is a popular, easily maintained houseplant that comes in different shades of red, white, and purple. It needs to be planted in indirect sunlight because the direct sun could potentially burn its foliage. Dry soils are what these plants need because overwatering could prevent flowering.
39. Clematis
Clematis is one of the most desired plants in landscapes. It’s filled with vines with colorful, vivid flowers and can be red, blue, purple, or white. This plant prefers full sun or partial shade for its best growth. The soil for this plant should be rich, alkaline, and well-drained.
40. Ranunculus
Ranunculus will make your garden the show-stopper of your home. Their large red flowers are incredible, and the great thing is that they are pretty easy to grow. They should be grown in full sun, and you can expect them to bloom from early spring to summer, depending on the variety and climate.
41. Poinsettia
Poinsettia is distinctive from other red flowers due to its bright-red, large petals. They require specific growing conditions to remain beautiful and provide flowers. They should be planted in indirect sunlight and watered daily.
42. Gladiolus
Gladiolus is known for its colorful flowers and large, spiked petals. They have to be adequately maintained to avoid bacteria and diseases. Plant Gladiolus in full sunlight and moist, well-drained soils so that it can prosper.
43. Sweet Peas
Sweet Peas are an annual plant with delicate, eye-catching flowers. They are hardy plants, and they flower from June until late October. Sweet Peas are easy to grow and require sunlight to prosper.
Conclusion: Types of Red Flowers
Red flowers come in so many different varieties and shades that it’s really hard to make a choice and decide which one you’ll plant in your home. Think about the possible benefits and things you want to achieve when planting red flowers, and choose the one that fits in the best in your surroundings.
Featured Image Credit: IanZA, Pixabay