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10 Women in Construction Statistics: 2024 Update

female construction worker

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

Have you ever wondered what the demographics are for women who work in the construction industry? It’s time to dig into the statistics and learn more about this interesting topic!

The construction industry has always been male-dominated. But there are many recent changes in the system making it more gender-neutral. However, statistics show that many women still steer clear from this field. They only make up a small percentage of its total workforce.

There are several reasons why women have not been as keen on breaking into the construction industry as we’ll discuss later. First, let’s look at some interesting statistics about women in construction.

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Top 10 Women in Construction Statistics

  1. In the US, women make up 10.9% of all workers at a construction site.
  2. 14% of staff executive positions in the construction industry have been taken up by women.
  3. In Canada, women make up 13% of the total construction industry workforce, making it the leading country in the number of women working in construction.
  4. In the US, Minneapolis leads with the highest rate of women in the construction industry at 19.1% of the total workforce.
  5. The average salary of female construction managers is $97,180 per annum.
  6. 13% of all construction companies worldwide are owned by women; 9% make more than $500,000 annually.
  7. Women working in construction and trade earn 30% more than those working in women-dominated occupations.
  8. Construction companies that employ women have a 25% possibility of achieving above-average profitability compared to firms without women.
  9. Eight in every 10 women feel left out during construction companies’ social events.
  10. 43% of construction firms don’t oversee gender pay gaps.
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The Percentage of Women in the Construction Industry

1. In the US, women make up 10.9% of all workers at a construction site.


The construction industry includes the building and repair of roads and bridges, as well as other infrastructure. It employs many workers in the United States. However, few women work at these construction sites. In the US, out of the total construction workforce, women make up only 10.9%.

Several factors contribute to this imbalance. They include masculine stereotyping, lack of proper education, and financial security.

Construction is a male-dominated profession, but this is changing. Today, more women are getting into the construction industry, but there’s still a long way to go before achieving equal representation.

lady carpenter
Image Credit: Robert Kneschke, Shutterstock

2. 14% of staff executive positions in the construction industry have been taken up by women.


Some industries are more progressive than others when it comes to promoting women. The construction industry is no exception. There are few women in executive positions, making up only 14% of the executive positions.

Women have a long road ahead to achieve equality in this industry. They have made strides toward being treated as equals. They are still fighting for a spot on the executive level of companies worldwide.

The good news is that most companies are now embracing women, and in the future, we will see more women taking up executive positions.

3. In Canada, women make up 13% of the total construction industry workforce, making it the leading country in the number of women working in construction.


Canada is known for its gender equality. It’s no surprise that many Canadian women want to enter an industry that allows them to show their skills and develop their careers.

There are even more women working in the construction industry than one might expect. Statistics show that it’s the leading country with the highest number of women in construction.

The increase in female workers means that many women are embracing the trades. This change can bring new ideas and perspectives to an industry that has been male-dominated for years.

woman costruction worker
Image Credit: Pixabay

4. In the US, Minneapolis leads with the highest rate of women in the construction industry at 19.1% of the total workforce.


Minneapolis has a long history of unions and organized labor, especially in the construction industry. The construction industry is among the fastest-growing industries in the state.

There’s also a higher percentage of minority-owned businesses here than in many other parts of the country.

It makes construction an accessible career choice for minorities. Also, it’s accessible to women who were traditionally shut out of men-dominated sectors. In fact, this state leads in the entire USA in the number of women working in construction.

Minneapolis is working with several partners to offer a new training program, which will help close the gender gap in the construction industry.

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How Much Do Women Earn in the Construction Industry?

5. The average salary of female construction managers is $97,180 per annum.


The number of female construction managers has seen a steady increase over the years. One reason is that the field has expanded over the years. Consequently, women serving as construction managers are earning a high salary, approximately $97,000 every year.

Traditionally, only men worked in these positions and earned higher pay than their female counterparts. But today, more women are getting into the construction industry too.

two female construction worker
Image Credit: Piqsels

6. 13% of all construction companies worldwide are owned by women; 9% make more than $500,000 annually.


Women who start construction companies are more likely to succeed than male-owned companies. Several women own and operate companies in this industry all over the world. It’s estimated that women today own 13% of the construction industry companies. They are doing quite well, as seen by 9% making over $500,000 annually.

Tackling challenges head-on is second nature to women who own construction companies. These ingenious ladies know what it takes to succeed in a male-dominated industry.

7. Women working in construction and trade earn 30% more than those working in women-dominated occupations.


Women today have ventured into roles traditionally dominated by men. They include site managers, project managers, and estimators. Also, women dominate some of the traditionally deemed male trades, such as the plumbing and electrical sector.

But women are still a minority in the construction industry. So, employers are willing to pay women more to get them into their companies. Another reason why women might be paid more than men is that they’re worth more as employees.

In many cases, women outperform men in many aspects of the business. They include safety records, attendance, and overall productivity.

As per statistics, women in construction are earning way more than those working in other occupations deemed as a woman occupation.

woman worker holding nail and hammer
Image Credit: Piqsels

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Profitability and Disparities in the Construction Industry

8. Construction companies that employ women have a 25% possibility of achieving above-average profitability compared to firms without women.


Construction firms employing women are more profitable than companies that don’t hire women. Women pay attention to tasks that need precision, such as framing. It makes them more valuable employees.

Women are also great listeners and communicators. It can be helpful in companies where clear instructions are needed. Thus, overall, there is no denying that women play a special role in this industry, which translates to more profits for the company.

9. Eight in every 10 women feel left out during construction companies’ social events.


There are many reasons women would feel left out by their male colleagues at social events. The most common reason is that sometimes the organizers may assume that women don’t have much to contribute.

They’re also likely to feel like they’re the only woman at the table and have to compete with men for attention. It can be a problem for companies trying to encourage women into careers in construction (a male-dominated industry).

Companies must do something about it. It could be as simple as including female employees when planning social events. Also, they have to make sure that everyone feels welcome and included, regardless of gender.

worker social event
Image Credit: Piqsels

10. 43% of construction firms don’t oversee gender pay gaps.


The gender pay gap is a common problem in the construction industry. It’s one of the most jeopardizing problems for women in the workplace. Despite the efforts by all parties to eradicate the gender pay gap, it persists.

Gender equality should be focused on both sides (men and women) to eliminate the gender pay gap.

divider 4 Frequently Asked Questions on Women in Construction

What work can a woman do at a construction site?

Women can do any job required at a construction site, as long as they are willing to take on the challenge. It’ll take some time to get used to and requires one to be physically fit.

The best way to start is by volunteering. This way, you’ll get an insight into what you need to do and get a grip on the equipment. You don’t need to fear being treated differently because you are a woman.

Also, as a woman, you can still specialize in a certain job, such as building. It is not surprising to see female engineers, masons, architects, etc. Additionally, women are now taking even managerial and executive positions at construction sites.


female construction workers
Image Credit: Pixabay

How can women in construction be empowered?

There are various ways women in construction can feel empowered. They need to feel like part of the solution, not the problem, and lead by example.

You should always treat all workers at a construction site with respect and courtesy. You’ve got to look out for each other always. That’s why it is vital to get more women into the construction trades as they can contribute to building a strong work environment.

Encourage other women to apply for open positions and create an atmosphere where they will thrive. Give them opportunities for professional development. Women need to attend training seminars, mentoring programs, and workshops. These programs teach them how to do their jobs better.

Also, a construction site must be an inclusive environment. Men must understand that their co-workers need flexible work schedules for child care. They must be willing to adjust their work hours so women can balance home and work responsibilities easily.


What are the challenges facing women in construction?

Construction work is dangerous, and women are more at risk of injury compared to men, who are used to the working conditions.

Women in the construction industry can also be subjected to sexual harassment. They can face unwanted advances from their co-workers and supervisors. Scaffolding is commonplace for sexual harassment to occur in this industry.

Male construction workers can be masculine and are known to make disparaging remarks about women entering the field. Women also lack mentors or role models within the industry to help them navigate workplace challenges.

Nevertheless, these challenges are being addressed so that any woman venturing into the industry can have a conducive working environment.


woman carrying plyboard
Image Credit: Piqsels

Are women crucial in the construction industry?

Women are crucial in the construction industry because they bring great changes to improve the construction process. The perception that construction is a man’s job is changing slowly.

There are many benefits to having women on construction sites. Women are known for their attention to detail and ability to focus on tasks for longer periods. These skills are crucial in the construction industry, where it can take hours to complete a simple task. That’s why more companies are hiring female workers to complete tasks that require high levels of precision.

Women are also known to be way more creative than men. Men may get stuck with concepts that don’t work out because they can’t think of anything else. Women help bridge that gap by offering new perspectives, which is incredibly valuable when it comes to innovation.

Women have a different way of thinking, as well as different priorities. They bring a new approach to how things get done. Their input is beneficial, and also helps to improves interpersonal relationships.


What is women’s construction week meant for?

Women’s Construction Week (WCW) is a national celebration that runs from March 7th to 13th. The goal of WCW is to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in the construction field.

Also, it highlights their role in the industry’s future success. It’s a time to shine a light on the sacrifices they have made and the obstacles they have overcome. Besides, it’s time to recognize that there’s work to be done.

We encourage women and girls to take part in this initiative, as they are vital to the future of the construction industry and society.


female construction worker
Image Credit: Piqsels

How can a woman become a construction worker?

Women must follow the same path men follow to become construction workers. A woman can become a construction worker if she has the ability and skills to work as one.

She can learn these tasks by reading books on construction or taking courses at a school that teaches construction like a vocational school, a college, or a university.


What does it mean to be a woman in the construction industry?

Female construction workers are just like their male counterparts. They must also be prepared to handle physically demanding labor during long shifts.

The truth is that being a woman in the construction industry can mean you’re treated differently from your male counterparts. In some cases, that can mean you’re taken more seriously because you’re a woman in an environment dominated by men.


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Reasons Why Many Women Shy Away from Construction Jobs

There are several reasons why many women shy away from construction tasks. Some reasons have to do with beliefs and lack of knowledge and awareness about construction jobs.

Construction involves working in a tough environment that is physically and mentally challenging. The working conditions can drain out one’s energy. It can be challenging and tiring for a woman to work under these circumstances.

Several women work at a construction site but most of them prefer working at the reception desk, or as an assistant rather than as a laborer.

engineers discussing plans
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

Also, women are socialized to believe that they cannot perform tasks that are considered “male” work. From an early age, children are taught to conform to gender roles. Some men and women do not adhere to these stereotypes, but it’s hard for women to break barriers when they’re ingrained in their heads since childhood.

Women also lack a support system. Those who choose to pursue careers in construction or manufacturing may find it challenging having no support from home or from their spouses.

However, most women in the field today have taken on these challenges head-on and are making a killing in the construction world.

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The number of women receiving college degrees in construction-related fields is rising, but they are still outnumbered by men. There’s still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in this field.

Still, we cannot deny that things are moving in the right direction, and it seems likely that this progression will continue. It’s crucial to bring more women into the construction workforce.

The construction industry will suffer substantial setbacks in the future if it doesn’t make adjustments today. If there’s one thing we hope you take away from this article, it’s that we need more women in construction. Hopefully, this information will serve as a foundation to continue diversifying the field in the future.

Featured Image Credit: Halfpoint, Shutterstock


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