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12 Smoothie Recipes for Kids & Toddlers (with Pictures)

child and toddler approved smoothie recipes

child and toddler approved smoothie recipes

For anyone who has unsuccessfully tried feeding their picky child or toddler fruits and vegetables – there is a better solution! Smoothies are a great way to incorporate the foods your little ones might refuse to eat otherwise. The best part about these recipes, they are child-approved and absolutely foolproof! Give a few of these delightful recipes a try and feel free to change them up according to your child’s preferences.  Change the way your child sees fruits and vegetables by having them help create these blended treats!

The 12 Best Smoothie Recipes for Kids & Toddlers

1. Cherry Strawberry Chocolate

Your child will be so blissfully content with this sweet chocolatey smoothie that they won’t even know it’s packed full of their daily servings of veggies! Find the recipe here!

2. Beet the Heat

Beets might be a strange veggie for a smoothie but it adds an earthy sweetness that’s simply wonderful. Combined with the classic vanilla, this recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser for picky eaters.  Find the recipe here!

3. Apple Pie Smoothie

Try a copycat smoothie – mimicking the flavors of a treat your little one loves is genius! Find the recipe here!

4. Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

As the creator so wisely noted, this recipe is one you could consider a nice cream. A healthier take on the original and a brilliant way of sneaking a few veggies into your little ones’ bellies! Find the recipe here!

5. Fruit Only Smoothies

You might be looking to skip any additives such as dairy, protein, or gluten. This paleo recipe does just that by blending frozen and fresh fruits. Find the recipe here!

6. Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie

This recipe doesn’t need much of an explanation because the way it presents might just be enough to convince your child this is a must-try smoothie! Find the recipe here!

7. The Purple One

This mother swears by this “Purple One” recipe as it is one of the only she’s tried that has received her children’s stamp of approval. Find the recipe here!

8. Peanut Butter, Banana, and Vanilla Oreo Smoothie

When all else fails, add cookies! This may seem a bit counterproductive, but when you weigh out the benefits your littles are receiving from this smoothie, you’ll quickly agree that a cookie is a game changer! Find the recipe here!

9. Hulk Smoothie

Naming your smoothie something fun and child-friendly might be the key to convincing them that food can be both exciting and delicious! This Hulk Smoothie does just that! Find the recipe here!

10. Little Green Monsters

Just as this momma describes, this recipe is an ideal choice for improving gut health! This snack is cleansing, detoxifying, and yummy! Find the recipe here!

11. Orange Creamsicle

Another recipe that mimics the flavors of a child’s favorite summertime snack. Find the recipe here!

12. Berry Smoothie Bowl

If your little one isn’t keen on drinking their smoothie, try placing this recipe in a bowl and topping it with a few enticing and fun treats. Find the recipe here!

Tips for Serving Smoothies to Children

Presentation is important when it comes to introducing children to new foods. How they visualize it will likely be the determining factor of whether they’re willing to try it or not. Smoothies have the potential to be a wonderful alternative to mealtime battles over broccoli – so have fun creating them and offer them up in a way that no child will be able to refuse!

  1. Rather than calling them smoothies, pretend your blended creations are milkshakes and call them just that! A simple name change, and serving them in a mug with an oversized straw might just convince your child that this smoothie is in fact a sweet dessert!
  2. Treat each smoothie like frozen yogurt and let your littles dress them up with a few sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, cookie crumbles, or Nutella. This may not seem like a healthy choice, but when it comes to comparing the pros and cons, a few sprinkles shouldn’t deter you from feeding your child the necessary servings of fruits and veggies! You might opt for healthier toppings such as nuts, oatmeal, granola, or seeds.
  3. Use fillable freezie bags. These resealable pouches hold a single serving equivalent to that of a to-go yogurt or summertime freezie. You can freeze these and place them in your children’s lunch, or serve them as a quick snack throughout the day.
  4. Freeze your smoothies into popsicles. You may be keen on using coconut water or plain water as the base liquid in these smoothies so they resemble that of a regular popsicle. Otherwise, the result will be more of a creamsicle.
  5. Try serving the smoothies in fun bowls and offering up crazy and exciting straws.

If your children are new to smoothies, keep the recipes simple, and incorporate additional and different flavors as they become more familiar with drinking them!

divider - blender banana strawberry

Wrapping Up

As we saw in a few of the recipes, smoothies are quite versatile as they can be frozen into popsicles, or placed in a bowl with a few chocolate chips and oatmeal. Finding what works for your child will be key – so be lenient and flexible and surely your child will fall in love with one (hopefully more!) of these blended recipes.

If you thought these recipes were fun, try:

Feature Image Credit: spalato, Shutterstock


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